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(Y/N) had a happy childhood with your best friend Ajax. The two of you grew up with each other by your sides and were basically inseparable, your parents even had to beg you two to stop playing with each other sometimes when you were kids. When you were 14, you accompanied Ajax to go ice fishing as usual, but no one would have expected this day to be the day that changed both of your lives forever. As you were talking to him about how you wanted to marry a rich man and be showered in luxury, you noticed his face showing a hint of disappointment and shrugged it off, thinking it wasn't anything significant. Ajax then looked down at the still wire that drooped into the depths on the water underneath the thin layer of ice that supported both of your weights, he silently muttered

"...You won't forget about me when we grow up, right, (Y/N)?"

"Come again, Ajax?"

"I-It's nothing, just forget about it."

"If you say so..."

After a few long hours of sitting in silence while waiting for fish to be lured by the wax worms at the end of the hook, you'd realise it was already nighttime and the stars illuminated the ice, seemingly making it glow. The moonlight shone on Ajax's sharp facial features and for the first time, you realised how mature he looked for a 14 year old. You felt a heat rising to your cheeks as you swatted away those thoughts. "He's just a friend, nothing more you idiot! Stop thinking about your best friend like that! But do I really want him to be just a friend though..", you thought to yourself while sighing.

It was almost as if Ajax could hear your thoughts as he asked you

"You alright, (Y/N)? You seem to be spacing out."

"O-oh yeah I'm fine, should we start to head back? It's getting kind of dark and we wouldn't want our parents to worry about us, right?"

"Mmh sure, I am getting kind of tired too." He states while stifling a yawn.

After putting your ice fishing equipment in the ice shanty, Ajax turned to look at your face, almost like he was admiring it, the tip of your nose and the ends of your ears red from the merciless cold.
"Um, Ajax, Is there something on my face?"

It was almost like he snapped out of his trance as he looked at you lovingly

"No, but can you do me a favour?"

"What is it, Ajax?"

"It's a bit of an.. odd request but can you smile and hug me?"
You chuckled softly and obliged to his request as Ajax took in your facial features for the last time before planning running away from his monotonous life at home tomorrow at the break of dawn.

After hugging him, you jokingly asked him "Why such a random request? Are you planning to run away from home tomorrow or something?" you chuckled at your own cold joke softly as you turned to look at him, only to be greeted with a serious but shocked face, almost like you heard his thoughts. "No, just wanted to admire my friend of 14 years, I just wanted to look at the person who made the first 14 years of my life the best I'll ever experience."

You felt a lump forming in your throat as a tear rolled down your cheek.

"Why are you planning to run away, Ajax? Does it have anything to do with me?"

"It doesn't, (N/N). I'm just bored of my boring life at home, I want to do something more exciting other than ice fishing. Please don't come looking for me, (Y/N)." He chuckled after finishing his sentence.

"I understand, Ajax. But I don't think I can oblige."

"You may come looking for me, but just know that whatever happens to you, happens. No regrets, ey."

Before reaching your homes, Ajax stopped you and wrapped a red scarf around your neck, it gave you a warmth that could not be compared to anything in this huge universe, it made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside as you felt a heat rushing to your cheeks. You shook your head and convinced yourself it was because of the cold, nothing more.

"Take this before I go so you can remember me." He states with a slight smile on his face.

You guys continued to joke around as you slowly made your way back to your homes to be greeted with your family sitting at the dining table waiting for you guys' returns.

Childhood Friends..? (ChildexReader Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now