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Ah, my favorite part of the day. School is out, everyone is gone. Well, everyone minus the janitors but they know to leave the music room untouched until 5:30 when I leave. I love having the music room to myself.  I pull out my D Z Strad Maestro Old Spruce Stradi Violin. It was my 17th birthday present. I began warmups, then did beginner songs before pulling out the drawer labeled "Violin - Professional" to pick a song to play. I've been playing since I was 8. I closed my eyes and grabbed a random song; I pulled out Bach's Chaconne in D Minor.  Soon I was lost, playing song after song. Not paying attention to the outside world. I always do this; Pick one song, play it, and just start playing any music that pops up in my mind. I envisioned myself playing a concerto, a solo, a duet; the list was endless. Well it was endless until my phone's alarm went off letting me know I needed to leave. I wish I had more than 2 hours to practice, but you don't really need more than that, right? I get on my bike and race home. I arrive home only 32 minutes after leaving the school. That's a new record for me. I walk into my house from the garage, where I parked my bike, feeling accomplished. As I make my way through the small hallway that leads to the kitchen, I can smell dinner being made by my mother. I greet her as I pass.
"Hey Mum, guess what!" She utter and excited "What?" while still stirring whatever was in the pot atop the stove. "It only took me 32 minutes riding time today!"
"Oh that's a new record for you, way to go babe!" She turned to give me a thumbs up before quickly returning her concentration to dinner. "Oh, dinner wont be much longer, go wash up and tell the rest of the family for me?" I nodded and headed upstairs to get my siblings. I started with my sister Sylvia who is only older than me by 3 minutes.
"Hey, Syl, Mum said dinner will be ready soon." I said as I entered the room we share. She nodded, but made no move to leave. I exited after pulling my hair up in our vanity. My next stop was my younger brother's room, a five-year-old who gets his own room when I don't.
"Hey baby bird! Mummy says dinner will be ready-" I am cut off by the tiny human pouncing on me
"Yay! My big bird is home! I missed you Syd!" He greeted me enthusiastically. I hugged him tightly
"I missed you too Beck. But hurry up, or Mum is gonna get you." I made a tickling gesture with on hand while the other held him. He screamed and nudged his way out of my grasp. We both giggled and he ran to the bathroom to wash his hands. Finally; My older brother, whose room I'm supposed to be getting if he ever moves out. Which I honestly hope never happens. I knocked twice before hearing him faintly allow entrance. He sat on his bed, trying to practice his guitar, but to avail.
"Hey, Brades. You feel like dinner with the family?" I laughed a little. He's been cooped up in here since his girlfriend of five years broke up with him; the night he proposed. We both knew that if he didn't come down Mum would have a fit, and he would be drug down whether he liked it or not. He still looked at me begrudgingly. I sighed and sat on his bed. "Come on Brady, it's been a few weeks now, Mandy has probably completely forgotten you by now." I grabbed his hand. I never seen a 21 year old so bummed out. To be fair, he's the only 21 year old I know. An idea hit me, I jumped up. "Hey, you know what? It's Friday. Let's go out tonight. What about it? Some brother/sister bonding time at The Roxy?" He raised an eyebrow at me, and set his guitar down. I nodded, encouraging him. He smiled at me.
"Sounds like fun." I clapped my hands, the biggest grin on my face. I heard Mum call for us, so we rushed down to dinner. It was chicken chili tonight.
"This smells amazing dear." My father kissed my moms check as he sat himself down. "Ah, look at my beautiful family. Tell me about your days, let's start with," Pop paused for dramatic effect. "Sylvia." He pointed his unused fork as her before digging in. Sylvia ate a bite before answering.
"Not much to tell today, Pop. I went to school, came home, practiced, and went for a run; my mile times are getting better ." Dad replied 'That's my girl!' and moved onto Beckett, who vey excitedly explained his day in kindergarten. Slvia plays Cello. Our parents are very big when it comes to music. We start testing music as young as 5, in our family. Our achool doesn't start music lessons until the third grade. We have orchestra, band, and choir. We combine those in many ways for concerts, or just separately. Syl and I are in orchestra, Brady was in band, and Beckett has three more years. We think he'll choose drums, he's always tapping on things. Music comes very naturally to this family. Mum plays the flute; we do duets all the time, and Pop sings; believe it or not. We all continued our family routine of explaining our days and eating. I told Pop about my new record.
After dinner, we all lounged in the living room, after cleaning up, and watched a movie. Mum called it at 9:30, telling us all to get some sleep. All of us children went upstairs, only Beckett intent for bed. Sylvia passed out about 20 minutes into reading on her phone. I plugged it in for her then snuck out of our room and into Brady's.
"Well, it's about time." Brady Joked. I shot a mocking glare at him.
"I had to wait for Sylvia to fall asleep or she'd have begged to come. And you know how awful she is about this kind of stuff." Sylvia is without-a-doubt the most terrible liar and the least sneaky person in the city of Philadelphia. Brady nodded in agreement and grabbed his keys. We headed downstairs but froze when we heard shuffling in the kitchen. It was Beckett trying to reach the milk in the fridge.
"Hey baby bird what are you doing up?" I came up behind him and touched his back gently so he wouldn't freak out.
"I wanted some milk, can you get it for me? I'm too small." I couldn't not get it for him, his face was simply heart breaking. I grabbed the milk poured him half a regular glass and sent him up to bed. Luckily he was too tired to ask questions and Brady was hiding in the living room until he heard Beck climb the stairs.  Then we headed out the door.
Brady's car was parked on the curb aross from our house, luckily. He started the clunker up and drove as quietly as possible until we hit the edge of our neighborhood.  The Roxxy was about a 20 minute drive from our house.
Arriving at The Roxxy, we flashed our ID's. We got separate wrist bands, his showing he could drink, and mine showing I couldn't. We entered to loud music playing, so loud the warehouse was thumping to the bass. There were also neon lights flashing, and some of them were laser-like beams that moved about the room. Brady and I separated as soon as he gave me some money for drinks and food. He went to the bar and I went to the dancefloor. Some familiar songs came on, and some new ones. I kept dancing, until I needed a drink so I went to the bar and got a virgin banana daiquiri. I looked at my wristwatch. It was already midnight. We hadn't set a time or place to meet for when we leave. Hopefully Brady remembered his phone, otherwise it was going to be a long night. I downed my drink and went back to dancing and mingling. Eventually, I found Brady.
"Hey stranger!" I shouted over the thumping music. He waved and pointed to a girl whose back was to us. I gave him a thumbs up and left for the "under 21" lounge. I flashed my wristband at the bouncer standing by and he opened the velvet rope. I sat down on one of the soft couches available. A waiter was going in and out of the room with a variety of drinks. I spotted a virgin banana daiquiri and got up to grab it. Unfortunately, another hand was reaching for it at the same time. The waiter stopped, noticing the two-hands-on-one-drink problem. I let go and asked if I could get one. The waiter nodded and rushed off. Then I was faced with my drink thief.
Shocker that none other than our schools "Most popular quarterback" Ryder James was here. I rolled my eyes and sat back in my spot.
Brady texted me not long after 3AM to meet him upfront so we could leave. He stumbled out the door and I grabbed his keys to drive us home. He made a small protest but got in the passenger seat anyways. He started talking about this girl he met, Charli. Apparently they spent almost the entire night dancing. He also said that he thought he was in love. I chuckled slightly at his slightly drunken words.  We made it home and I put him to bed before going and passing out in mine. Needless to say, Brady and I slept in.


Hello readers!

Starting this new book, using only my limited knowledge and google means you're going to have to bear with me a little.

Please do not be afraid to sent feedback, especially on this, I don't want to make a complete ass of myself. Keep doin' what you're doin' cause you're doin' great!

Your author, Chassi

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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