The Rebound: Prologue

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who reads and comments!

The Rebound:


I opened the first page of my new diary and started writing. One day I’ll make sure other people read this, because I have a story to tell and I know it will open other people’s eyes to what they are too naive to believe.

A voice called all the passengers of flight 1065 to Zurich over the intercom to start boarding. I quickly closed my book and made my way to the boarding area, pulling my shoulder bag higher, I quietly handed the lady my ticket. “Three down; on the left-hand-side” She said giving me a polite smile. I threw her a grateful smile and made my way to my seat.

I took my seat – putting my shoulder bag between my knees and adjusted the seat belt. I once again opened my diary and continued writing. The flight attendants explained all the safety precautions; after that the pilot spoke a few words and we were off.

The plane's speed started increase, jolting most of us. I took my last look at America; I felt a pang of sadness going through me (not because this was the last time I would be looking at it, but because this was his last opportunity to stop me and he didn’t come).

Goodbye Jake, I really hope you enjoy your life with Abigail; because I’m not going to be there to be your rebound girl (mate or no-mate I’ll find someone else). Hopefully...


Hi People of Wattpadia I hope you enjoyed that little prologue. I will continue with this one...probably? BUT only if you want me to I’ll upload as soon as I’ve received a comment. The chapters and stuff are all saved on my computer. If you have any suggestions or anything please write in that little block-thingy at the bottom of the page. We are on holiday at the moment so say the word and I’ll upload!

I’m really not good at prologues so it will be a lot funnier and ... stuff later!

~Love always CGLY~


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