Game of Thrones Ending

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Kings Landing had never prepared for an invasion this large. Bannerman are surrounding the city walls in preparation for the arrival of Dragons. The Ballistas have been tested on the Dragon skulls beneath the Red Keep, confirming the power to take one down in a single blow to the head. Cersei, Qyburn and Euron are discussing their plans in a Small Council Meeting.
"How long before they arrive?" asks Cersei, who is sat waiting for the forces to attack.
"My little birds send word that the King in the North is heading Southwards. His party have rid the realm of most White Walkers, they are of little concern at the moment. Should any arrive at the city, the walls will keep them out and our Bannerman would see to them" Qyburn informs her.
Cersei listens, pouring a glass of wine. "And what of Daenerys and her Dragons?"
Euron raises his glass. "The Golden Company are on their way to Dragonstone where she currently rests. That threat is being taken care of, she won't come here with her Dragons."
Qyburn informs Cersei that Jon currently controls Drogon, and the only Dragon to be concerned about is undead Viserion.
"How can we tell the difference", Cersei responds.
"Viserion blows a blue flame, being a wight. Jon is making efforts to stop him, we can only hope he does before reaching the city".
Cersei intrudes "I know the King of the North. I don't want him harmed, we must count on him to save our realm. Send our remaining soldiers to help him".
Euron responds "our fleet are on their way. We will bring Daenerys here, and help Jon Snow".
Cersei rises from her chair and begins walking out. "Let it be soon. I will kill the foreign whore myself".

Daenerys is at rest on her island Dragonstone, having just given birth to a baby girl. However, her mind is set on something else. Staring across the sea westwards from the Council room towards the main island, she is determined to take the throne. Missandei is holding baby Lyanna who is providing support for Daenerys in labour. "We have to wait for Jon to arrive, then we will attack Kings Landing. I've been waiting for the throne too long" she tells her.
Missesandi looks concerned, holding baby Lyanna. "You have a daughter now, please take care of her. You are the mother of a human now, not only your dragons".
Daenerys abruptly argues "I set slaves free to be here, I raised armies and conquered cities. This is the final step to getting what I've fought for my whole life. We can't stop here".
Missesandi responds "I choose to follow you because I believe in you, and I want you to be happy. Please think about what you're doing".
The sound of horns echoes in the distance, and Daenerys turns sharply to Missesandi. "It must be Jon", she smiles running out of the great hall into the gates. However, as the ships arrive close, the brass sails become visible and it is clear that they are the Golden Company. The Unsullied guards at Dragonstone prepare for a seige, and instruct Daenerys to remain safely inside. Daenerys panics and runs inside with Missesandi while Varys takes baby Lyanna to a hiding place. As the army arrive on the island and climb the steps to the entrance, they begin shooting arrows at the guards. The unsullied are outnumbered and become wiped out before the Golden Company enter the halls. Drogon flies from behind the island and burns down a large portion of the army, but the bailistas from the ship take him down and he falls into the sea. Greyworm and Missesandi are found in the Great Hall, and become surrounded by the soldiers. Greyworm draws out his sword, but it is too late as they close in on the couple and draw a spear through them both. Varys has been discovered in the Hall carrying baby Lyanna, and one of the guards cuts his throat then takes the baby. Daenerys has been found in the Council room staring across the sea. As Euron and the guards take her, she accepts what's happening and follows their orders into the ship.
The army take the baby along with Daenerys to Kings Landing, leaving Missesandi, Greyworm and Varys killed. Daenerys is in panic, and in denial that all her followers are dead, and demands that no one hurt her baby girl. She is advised that no harm will come to her daughter, but she won't be able to mother her again. She's scared, fearing for her life and sits in silence for the journey. In Kings Landing, Cersei has been informed by Qyburn of Daenerys's defeat, and looks smug and happy with herself. But her grin turns over when she learns that her new born daughter is with them.
"No one can grow up with that foreign whore as their mother" she responds. As Euron arrives in Kings Landing with his army and Daenerys, he has her tied to a rope, and makes her walk naked through the streets of Kings Landing. It's similar to Cersei's walk of shame but a lot more violent. The people are throwing rocks at her while she is being whipped by one of the soldiers. She is treated as a common traitor, and looks motionless as she is dragged. At the end she is covered in blood, bruises and dirt, but still does not shed a tear to the face of Cersei in the throne room. Cersei looks at her in disgust as she is dragged to steps in front of the iron throne, while the crowds applaud and cheer. "I wondered if we would ever catch you. With such a massive force behind you and your pet monsters, it seemed easy for you to hide. Where are your dragons now? I thought your plan was to use them to burn this city to the ground. And your Dothraki would butcher my citizens, murder and rape innocent people across the country. It appears they are a bit distracted with fighting dead men in the north. Not likely to come to your rescue now, are they?"
Daenerys ignores her words, and stares at the throne she is sitting on. Cersei continues "you are no different to your monster father. He would have happily burned the realm to the ground until we had to stop him. Look at the state of you. This is what lies behind the legendary conquer they write so much about. A dragon clipped from its wings. But we won't go down by fire and blood. You will answer for your treason and crimes you have committed against me, my family and the realm."
Daenerys looks broken, but will not bow and admit defeat. She stares at Cersei with hatred and disgust. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Cersei continues.
Daenerys looks to the floor, then sharply rises her head to look at Cersei in the eyes. "My line is the true heir to the iron throne. You are the one who is cursed in the eyes of the Seven Gods. You will have no heir of your own and my daughter will eventually take what's hers. You can kill me here now, but you will never take away the Targaryen line for it is the true one."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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