One Last Time

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"Why are they still appearing, we can't hold on any longer, peko!" Pekora yelled while swinging her sword towards the monster's head.

"I'm getting tired now, how long do we need to suffer from these…creatures," Marine blocked a charge from one of the monsters using her musket but she fell down, holding the monster's mouth with her musket but she's losing strength.

"I got you Marine!" Noel charged at the monster and grabbed it, throwing it to his fellow creatures.

"Firewall," Flare casted, summoning a wall of fire towards the monsters, blocking their movement.

"It's your turn, Rushia," she yelled at the green-haired necromancer.

"Okay! River of the Underworld!" Rushia casted, summoning an enormous greenish wave towards the horde, pushing them back and killing some of them. This gave time to think of something that could finish all of the monsters

"How did we end up like this?" Marine panted 


12 hours ago…

"What are you doing, Rushia?" Pekora approached Rushia, who was doing a ritual with her staff.

"I'm renewing the Seal of the Underworld. This seal keeps those underworld creatures away from the Human World." Rushia responded.

"But here? In the streets, peko?" Pekora looked around their surroundings, sighing in relief when she saw nothing but themselves.

"This is the exact location where the seal was created 2000 years ago. It's now different from what this place was before." 

Butterflies started to fly around Rushia, "I should not be disturbed as I started renewing the seal." She closed her eyes and started chanting Latin words.

"I'm gonna sit here, peko." Pekora sat near the gutter of the road.

Suddenly, a car travelling at a high speed starting dashing towards Rushia's direction. 

"Rushia, look out," Pekora started running towards Rushia, pushing both of them away from the streets.

The car stopped beside them and the window opened, revealing a guy surrounded with tattoos and piercings in his body, "GET OUT THE STREET, CUNTS!"

"Watch your mouth, you p-"

"No Pekora, don't worry about me. I'm okay," Rushia patted Pekora's shoulders.

"Don't block the street, you're causing accidents because of your nonse-" The ground started trembling. Out of nowhere, a grey tree suddenly grew at a high speed under the car, sending the car mid-air and falling to the ground, almost completely destroyed.

"No..." Rushia muttered as she looked at the Tree of the Underworld 

"Is it my fault, peko?" Pekora started sobbing.

"No. No. It's not your fault. You saved my life. Don't worry. But this tree… We should go back." They both started running away. As they looked behind them, underworld creatures started spawning from the ground near the tree.

"Ahhh!!" Pekora yelled.


"Score!" Marine exclaimed as she hit the can standing onto a log with her musket.

"Score!" Flare also hit another can using her bow and arrow.

"Score!" Noel screamed as she threw her mace towards the can but failed to hit it. Instead, it hit the log, breaking it into pieces.

"That doesn't work like that," Marine gave an unimpressed expression.

"Marine, Flare, Noel!" Pekora yelled from a distance, rushing at them with a worrying face.

One Last Time [Hololive Oneshot] [A Tribute to Uruha Rushia]Where stories live. Discover now