Rock & Blues

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"Alright alright are y'all ready to enjoy this years Rock & Blue fest?" The crowd screamed loudly. At this point the weather was playing tricks on us, it was raining yesterday but today is extra hot. "Alright why don't we open this show with a little rhythm n' flow from DeBarge" everyone clapped as the band DeBarge entered the stage to open.

The place was jam packed. Young and old, man and woman. Sun shined upon everyone in sight, bright and hot.

"Yo we look good" Levi flexed. Everyone wore matching clothes. Cat wore tight shorts and a tight latex shirt and the boys wore a similar design with matching coats and Shelia and Boni wore identical suits and Prince wore a polkadot yellow and black piece with colors that matched the others. Cat managed to have the stylist make me something similar too although I am not part of the band. I could almost cry at how nice Cat is, which reminded me I needed to stop having those thought about Prince.

DeBarge played some awesome songs. Time will reveal, I like it and Who's holding Donna now?

"Mamas come fix my tie" he signaled to me. "Who giving orders too?" My tight dress made it harder for me to walk fast. Prince winked, sending shivers down my spine. I fixed his tie extra tight, he felt the pressure on his neck and pretended to choke, making me nervous. He dropped to his knees making choking noises, the rest laughed.

They knew him more than I did. "Are you okay?" I bent down not sure on what to do. His choke turned to into laughter, my face turned into annoyance. "You fuck" he laughed but I walked away, my throat was parched and I needed a drink.

An outside bar served near the stage, DeBarge finished with their last song and the host came back. "What can I get for you?" The bartend cleaned the inside of a cup with a towel. "Let me get a Blue Lagoon light ice" he nodded, starting on my drink. The band enjoyed each station at the event while Prince disappeared.

"Let's give a big hand for DeBarge, we are gonna bring out our next guest. Ladies and Gents welcome Jody Watlely" I couldn't believe all these amazing artist were flying all the way to Minneapolis for a festival. It's really sweet, they could be in some fancy island but decided to be here.

"Here ya go" the bartender handed me my beautiful blue filled drink. "Thanks" he gave me a napkin, there was writing on it.

He gave me an eye, "Call me" he winked. Maybe this way I can get my mind off the hunk of a man that's gonna steal the stage soon. "Likely" I wrapped my lips around my thin straw. Sipping the alcoholic beverage.

Cat ran to me. "You look amazing V, all that body" she got beside me. "What's that?" Her fingers graced over the writing on the napkin. Her curiosity spilled from her eyes. She leaned on the bars counter, "which was it?" Her pupils switched from every bartender, I giggled. At least Cat doesn't suspect anything with me and Prince.

"Are you guys ready?" Miko cheered everyone on. I was allowed backstage since I was with the crew, we held hands in prayer. "V your new here, you do the honors" praying wasn't something I've always done, it was something I started doing when I began my journey in the streets.

"Okay... um father god our lord in heaven please allow this amazing band full of artist to rock this show tonight. Giving them the energy to fill the crowd with jive and excitement. Give Prince and his amazing voice stability tonight and Cat with her amazing dancing strength. Bless the rest of the crew with power to give the crowd what they came here for. We love you loads Amen" crowds of people cheered. The host came back on for the announcement.

"This next band is just beginning, sexy n wild please give a hand for Lovesexy" with a deep breath they went on. I was a bit nervous myself, I knew they had this in the bag but preforming in front of thousands is scary. The music started up, Levi strummed his guitar along with Prince. Cat got in her spot, she looked a bit nervous but when our eyes caught she looked calmed. I threw her a thumbs up.

Holding my hands together. My breathing started up again, I couldn't have any drinks backstage in case of spills but I wished for a shot of booze.

If I Was Your Girlfriend was a song Prince was sure the audience would love. He wasn't wrong, the crowd went wild. "God look at those hunks" a familiar voice appeared next to me, I bite on my cheek out of annoyance. Vanessa and her negative energy was the last thing I needed right now, rolling my eyes I plastered a fake smile.

My insides turned. "Hi Vanessa" her smirk was devilish, I swear she's a demon in human form. If anything gets ruined tonight I promised it because of Vanessa's presence.

"I see you've made your self comfortable" she crossed her lanky arms. I scooted away from her, Levi better have not invited her. I tried to focus on the band and crowd, ignoring the bitch. "Seems like your the one who's comfortable. Sleeping with Levi, It seems like a Vanessa thing to do." A scuff escaped her mouth.

"I see you haven't lost your bitchy attitude, I mean Levi is a hunk but Prince mmm he looks tasty" I felt an uproar, I wanted to slap that hoe dead in her face but I had to keep my composure for the sake of the band. My face burned with anger "I'd stop there if I were you, he's Cat's and if you try anything I will come for you"

She seen through my front. Prince belonged to Cat, I couldn't put a stop to something that's been going on for years just to take a bite from someone else's man, it wasn't right. "Mmh im sure im not the only one who wants a taste" she stared me up and down. Her heels stomped away from me, she always gets the last word. I was annoyed and pissed, tried at its best.

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