Chapter 1 <3

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Chesters p.o.v
"A-are you sure you wanna do this video" I told Parker while looking him in the eyes
"Dude I told you before these people need our help, You might not like it but we have to help them" Parker said "Come on bro do we have t-" Then Parker interrupted me " I told you already we gotta help these people" I sighed and grabbed the camera and started recording "So today we received an email from a 19 year old girl named Milly" Parker Continued talking to the camera, I started to zone out, "Now we are gonna go drive to Milly's house to see what is going on" Parker said then I cut the camera and sighed

"Come on let's go bro" Parker said not realizing he grabbed my hand, we started to walk to the car I looked down at his hand Holding mine,

I was blushing a bit, I sat in the passenger seat I looked down at my phone and realized it was 2 a.m "P-parker..." I said in a worried Shakey voice "Yea what's wrong?" Parker said, He sounded really concerned "I- can- can we please stop Somewhere" I said, "What's wrong? you keep stuttering" Parker said "It's Nothing...Can we please stop Somewhere like a store to get a drink"

"I guess so" Parker said Quietly, I noticed
He we acting quite strange I accidentally Cut my finger and not realizing I accidentally Quietly moaned (OUT OF PAIN) Parkers face turned a little red "U-Uh why did you..?" Parker asked "I accidentally cut my finger.."

I said, Then I looked at Parker realizing His face was Red, then I realized, I grabbed a band-aid and put it on my finger "ow.." I Quietly said, "Alright bro we are here" Parker said, I grabbed the camera and started recording

Parker P.o.v and time skip

I heard screaming "Parker! Parker h-HELP" Chester yelled, I ran into the room to see Parker getting chocked by the puppet "CHESTER!" I yelled and ran towards him carrying him out His legs were wrapped around me And his head was on my shoulder, I heard Milly screaming "Sh- should we help Milly" Chester said I said nothing and Ran outside and Put Chester in the passenger seat and drove off

I looked over to see Chester asleep So I carried him in bridal style, I laid him down on the couch, I heard Chesters phone make a ding sound so I picked it up to see who it was and it was this one girl 'Agnus' Or something
Agnus : Answer me now you useless worm

Agnus: Uggh answer or else your gonna regret it!

Agnus: That's it! Your gonna wish you answered me!!

I scrolled up 'Dang this agnus girl is pretty controlling' I thought to myself 'And it's kinda weird How she calls Chester worm alot' I Turned off his phone and set it down on the table, I walked to my room, I woke
up to hear Chester Sniffling and sobbing

I ran out of the room "Are you ok Chester..?" I asked "I-im f-f-fine" He said sobbing, "Your crying your not fine" I walked over to him and sat on the couch He cuddled up to me and I blushed and wrapped My arms around Him..

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