Untitled Part 1

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Right now I'm waiting for Zach to pick us up so I can meet his family.

Cris: he should be here any min...

Brook: You'll be fine Cris

I just nod.

 Cris: Ik.. I'm just nervous..

Brook: that's normal.. I think

Cris: what if it's not? Out of the year I've been dating Zach I've never been this nervous.

Brook: whats the worst taht can happen?

Cris: A lot of things.. they may not like me

Brook: if zach loves you, they will too.

I just nod again. 

Zach: *knocks on the door* 

Cris: that's him... I'll see you later

Brook: bye 

Cris: *gets up and answers the door* *smiles a little* "hey"

Zach: *smiles* hey

Cris: *stands on my toes and kisses him* 

Zach: *smiles more* ready?

Cris: mhm *goes to his car* 

zach: *opens the door* 

Cris: thanks *gets in* 

Zach: *runs around the car and gets in* you excited?

Cris: yeah.. mostly nervous.. 

Zach: theres no reason to be 

Cris: *nods*  okay.. you seem excited 

Zach: I am! They've been wanting to meet you for a while 

Cris: *chuckles a little* really?

Zach: mhm *drives there* I think Reese will love you

Cris: YOu really think so?

Zach: ik so

Cris: *smiles* she's 10 right? 

Zach: yeah

Cris: and you have a brother? 

Zach: yeah, ryan

Cris: okay

Zach: *parks across the street from his house* "We're here"

Cris: okay *takes a deep breath* 

Zach: *puts a hand on her hand* it'll be okay 

Cris: *looks over at him and smiles a little  and nods* *gets out and walks with him up to the door* 

Zach: here we go *he opens the door*

Cris: *goes inside* 

*ryan calls from the living room* "Zach's here"

Zach: *goes to the living room* 

Cris: *follows him* 

Ryan: *gets up* hey zach 

Zach: hey, uh cris this ryan, ryan this is cris

Cris: nice to meet you

Ryan: you too, I've heard a lot about you

Cris: you have?

Ryan: yeah, Zach never stops talking about you

Zach: *face turns red a little* 

Zach and Cris & Ryan and BrooklynWhere stories live. Discover now