Chapter 1 Part 1

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A crash from downstairs. A shout, a cry, and all was silent except the rapid beating of Junto's heart. A thud on the stairs. Someone was coming. Not Mother, surely. The footsteps were too loud to be hers. He prised himself away from the door and scampered across the room, diving under the bed just as the door opened. "Junto? Where the fuck did you go? You're not fucking hiding under the bed again, are you, you little shit?" It was Father. Junto's heart started beating faster as he shuffled towards the wall, hoping to be concealed by the shadows. He saw his fathers feet slowly thudding across the floor, his heart beating faster with every step he took, every connection his foot made to the floor. The feet stopped at the bed. "I know you're here, Junto. I could hear that heart of yours beating from a mile away." Junto curled into a ball, his arms tight around his head. Father crouched down, peering under the bed. "Ah. Here you are, you little shit." Junto's dad's breath wafted into his nostrils as he spoke, a mix of beer and cigarette smoke. A large, hairy hand gripped Junto by the collar, pulling him out from under the bed. "Let me go!" Junto struggled against Father, kicking his arm, but to no avail. Father's grip was just as strong as before. He stuck his face in Junto's. "Now, listen here you little shit." The smell of alcohol and cigarettes got stronger with every word. "I don't want to hurt you, but I'll have to if you keep on hiding like that, you little prick. You know what I do to your mother?" Junto nodded, fear in his eyes. "Good. Well, if you keep this act up, little mister, I'll be forced to do it to you as well. And we don't want that, do we?" Junto nodded again. "I'm glad you understand. And don't go talking to your mother, you hear? That bitchass whore is a bad example on you. We want you to grow into a fine young man, don't we? Despite your..." He looked him up and down, "...smallness, I think you have potential. Now, remember what I told you and don't go talkin' to your whore ass mother, you hear, shithead?" Junto nodded a third time. "Good kid." Father put him down on the bed, and, without a backwards glance, left the room. He thudded down the stairs, and then everything was quiet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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