Authors note because i have no idea what im doing

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Yeah I have no idea what I'm doing :(
Let me introduce myself because it's my first fic

Im Aaliyah
Infj (this isn't even important w t f )
I'm literally English yet don't even know how to write apparently so expect bad punctuation and grammar
I like to draw and stuff but am bad at writing (so why tf am I even doing this)

Anyways some info about this story


Aoi is a lesbian because I said so

Also akane is having a bisexual crisis

And Teru is also gay and has no idea what to do because he likes akane but he is supposed to hate supernaturals so yeah

Might have hints of hanakou hananene aoinene or mitsukou (I'm just making this up I don't even know myself)

I have no idea if this is going to be more than one chapter or not tbh

But I'm mostly just spilling out my 3am fake scenarios of terukane

Don't expect much....

That's all I really have to say

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