Untitled Part 1

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She made a downward diagonal slash, blood freely spraying in her direction, not stopping, she quickly moved her body to the right, just in time to avoid a spear to her lungs, in a quick motion, she pivoted on her right foot and cut the head of the attacker.

Her simple iron armor with a yellow crest was covered in dust from the war, her sword already chipping away, she turned to the enemy in front of her, just in time to see one of her companions fall from an attack to the gut.

Biting her lip, her pale brown hair moved from the wind magic casted nearby, and marched forward, yet another sword swung her way, the space she had for moving was even more restricted than before giving her only the choice of blocking.

A nasty creak came from her sword and just before it broke Nadia casted her wind magic, it was not strong but it was enough to cut the enemy's wrist giving her the advantage, and so, yet another foe fell to her attacks.

Spear, sword, shield, warhammer, any weapon would do, her cheap sword wouldn't be able to keep up with the fight.

As she marched forward, she arrived to her fallen comrade, friend, brother-in-arms, he was already dead, she wasn't allowed to hear any last words, but she took the gift his body gave.

Taking the sword from his gut, she threw her cheap sword, that helplessly ricocheted from the enemy's shield, an enemy that responded to the attack by turning his whole body to her, protecting himself with his tower-shield.

Nadia's eyes glanced to the enemy's left, and dashed towards him, she didn't even think of attacking the enemy, but the one behind the shield, a mage, one that was currently casting fire magic.

Just as the shield-user prepared to block and possibly kill Nadia, a spear came in contact to his temple, Nadia and the black haired comrade made eye contact, mentally glad that both were okay, but that was just a brief moment, as Nadia's new sword was currently piercing the mage's chest.

Her breathing was ragged but she trained for this, she picked herself up, the sword sliding off the mage's now dead body, with a quick turn of her head, she saw her comrade, they made just one last eye contact, before yet another scream left her burning throat.

She helplessly swung her sword, but it was already too late, yet another friend dead, but she was not dead yet, she could still fight.

A war-cry sounded, the enemy's general rose his hand on top of his horse, it was Nadia's commander's head, dread flooded her, she took a glance around her just to be in time to dodge another spear, just in time to kill another enemy.

Nadia's vision filled with blue, the enemy's color, just blue, no white with gold, no simple armor with yellow crests, just blue, blue with the crest of the allied forces.

But the war was not over yet, her lord was still in the field, she could still hear the enemy's calls announcing the location of her lord.

Her black eyes slightly widened, she had just realized she was completely surrounded now, no friends in sight, far from what was once a front line, she was just in time to dodge yet another spear, but this time she couldn't kill the enemy, another spear aimed at her, giving her a shallow wound to her side.

Casting her wind magic again, she cut the thumb of the enemy, making him drop his spear, giving her the perfect opportunity to slit his throat, yet another cry in the field, enemies filled her vision as they rushed in practiced teamwork.

Currently it was one very exhausted Nadia against 7 enemy soldiers, they all together let out a war-cry as they rushed the female, a mere coincidence delayed her death, her foot connected with the end of a spear, rising it just to the correct angle to pierce the blonde haired soldier, making the other 6 hesitate.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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