Band-Aids Don't fix broken wrists

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Makoto's Pov (Age 7)

"Oh come on Komaru, you know I'm obviously faster than you, since I'm older and all!" I shouted to my sister. "Oh really? We'll see about that!" she yelled back as she began to chase me around the park. We ran past the sandbox and the monkey bars, until Komaru ran out of breath and dramatically collapsed onto the ground.  "Really Komaru?" I held my hand out so she could get up off of the ground. She took it and lifted herself up. "Fine, you beat me this time. Just wait Makoto! One day, I'll be able to catch you, but until then, you win I guess." she said as she dusted herself off. "You know, it doesn't have to be over yet, we can have a rematch if you want!" I suggested. She smirked at me as she chased me around again.  As we rounded the corner around the swings, I accidentally ran into something.

I fell onto the ground upon impact. "Ow ow ow ow!" I heard someone say. I looked over to see a little girl holding her arm in pain. The girl had light brown hair and golden eyes full of tears. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I asked the girl. She sniffled. "I don't think so.." she said through sobs. I pulled some Band-Aids out from my pocket and stuck one on her arm. "Oh wow, that doesn't look like something a band-aid can fix." I remarked, looking at the girl's twisted wrist. Tears rolled down her cheeks, she was obviously in pain.   

(For the record, Makoto isn't THAT strong, Chihiro just hit his wrist on the metal bar next to the swing when he fell.)

As I looked at the girl's wrist, I realized it'd be best if we got her some medical help. I turned around to Komaru. "Can you go get mom? I think her wrist might be broken." Komaru looked at her wrist, and then back at me. "Yeah!" She dashed over to my mother and explained the situation to her. "So, what's your name?" I asked, trying to divert her mind to something else. "Chihiro." she said, looking over at Komaru and my mother, who were on their way over to the swings. I nervously laughed as she scowled at me. She knelt down to Chihiro and looked at her wrist. "Makoto! You need to watch where you're going! You broke this poor girl's wrist!" She sighed.  "Honey, where are your parents at?" She asked. "My dad's at work and my mom is at home." Chihiro explained. "Do you know her phone number? I can call her and see if she could take you to get this checked out." 

"She's busy, and I-I don't know her number." she stammered. My mom sighed. "How far away do you live, sweetie?" "Not, t-too far, like 2 minutes away." Chihiro replied. "Why don't you go back home and see if she's able to do something about your wrist." The small girl nodded. She slowly walked away, and was kicking a rock as she did so. Eventually, she lost the rock, but she beat my rock-kicking record. 

A/N: Hey! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of a little story I'm making. I'm still thinking of a decent title for it, but for now it's just gonna be called "A naehir story". There will be some side ships in here, so I guess look out for those. ._. 

Yet to be titled Naehiro storyWhere stories live. Discover now