The Person I Love The Most

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Draco never thought he and Hermione Granger would become friends, but he'd also never thought he would become a spy for her. Because of her. Even if he would never tell her that.

Aunt Andromeda had done enough and spilled the beans, telling the Golden Trio that her source of information about the Death Eaters had been her nephew. Draco should have known he couldn't just trust the most stubborn Slytherin of the Black Sisters. She did what she wanted, when she wanted, and held allegiance only to herself.

He'd never wanted that information to be known, but he would always remember that first night in the 8th Year Common Room. He hadn't been able to fall asleep on his new bed, so he came downstairs to have some tea and found her.

Before he could even apologize, she had thanked him for everything that he did during the war. He could have told her then 'I did it because of you, because I have a huge crush on you', but he didn't; he just made them some tea and enjoyed the silence alongside her.

That had been the start of their friendship.

Draco looked at Hermione Granger across the library. It was October and not many students were studying. But she was, and so was Draco. She looked better now than she had in September. A healthy blush to her cheeks, untamable curly hair that had seen Merlin knows how many hair bands being ripped apart, rounder curves on her chest and ass that he just wanted to...

Draco groaned, hiding his face in his hands. The Gryffindor looked up, raising an eyebrow. "Sorry... Stupid arithmancy problem." He lied, curling a piece of parchment between his hands, just for the sake of the lie.

"Oh... I know exactly the one you're talking about. It took me almost an hour, but I enjoy a good challenge." She said, picking her books and getting to her feet. He thought she was about to leave, but instead, she sat at his table.

Draco was not sure if he paled or blushed. This was new. They never sat together unless they were working on a project or they were assigned as a pairing by a professor. Draco had not looked at the arithmancy problem yet, but he could see how complicated it was, so he was quite thankful for her help.

She was kind, patient, and helpful. She didn't give him the solution but guided him instead. "You're an amazing teacher. You always seemed so impatient with Potter and Weasley."

"Well, you're a good student... and they're terrible. They don't care about the path, they just want to get to the end." She shrugged.

Draco smirked, "Did the Golden Girl just compliment The Boy Who Made All The Wrong Choices?"

Hermione just gave him a look, and he was sure she was a second away of raising a finger and reminding him, that in the end, he had made all the right choices. He stopped her with a chuckle. "Did you ever imagine us here?"

"Honest answer?" She asked, stroking the pages of her book, her golden eyes focused on the shelves behind him. Draco nodded. "Yes."

Draco eyes doubled in size. "What? You did? How?" He asked, leaning so far forward he was nearly climbing on top of the table.

"It was foolish, I know. I think I knew it at the time as well, that it would never really happen, but..." She sighed, hiding her face in her hands. "But I thought that maybe you would overcome the fact that I was a muggle-born."

"I wish I had... so much could have been different..." Draco reached across the table and squeezed her hand. "The two of us studying together, Granger, we would have concluded our studies earlier, made our OWL's on the third and our NEWT's on the fifth."

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