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The car engine roared back to life after a quick stop for petrol. I clicked on the  music to drown the silence, and cold play rang throughout the old car. I looked out the window, watching the trees run past us and other cars race besides us. Life couldn't get any better than this.

I was going to the same college as my best friend, Sapnap, and I would be in the same dorm room together. Ever since we were kids, we'd been preparing for this. I could just imagine our dorm room, decorated in the things we loved. I planned how our room would look, our two sides compelling. Sapnap would clutter his walls in different flags and posters, bikini models pictures tacked above his bed, which would always be messy and thrown about, and I would scold him for it. I'm the opposite. Ive never had much interest in sex like Sapnap was, and instead I spent my time playing all the latest games. My bed would always be perfectly made, not a speck of dust out of place. I hadn't brought much with me except for my mattress and pc, and I didn't bother to shop. I never cared much for decorations, as long as I could sleep, play minecraft and store my clothes it was good enough for me. I looked to my side and Sapnap gave me a gentle grin. It's going to be us two for a while, just like how we planned. That brought me comfort.

I turned my head, looking over at Sapnap. His eyes were glued to the steering wheel, and he was tapping his fingers to the beat of the song playing. I could hear our luggage jumping up and down in the back-seat to the song.

"You didn't get our dorms wrong, right?" I asked, mostly as a joke.

"Relax, Dreamy." Sapnap laughed, "I double-checked like ten times before we left. We're all good."

"Just making sure." I said to him. I only mentioned it to him as a joke, I knew everything was going to be okay. He and I always tease each other. I kicked an empty Pepsi can that was strewn across the floor in the car, or should I say Saps grandparent's car. They had grown old, and had no use for a car, so they gifted it to Sapnap's dad, who let him use it once he got a license on his 17th birthday.

The music was still blasting, and you could hear Patches meowing in the back seat. Had I forgotten to mention her? Patches was my kitty, we had adopted her a bit ago. We grew a bond pretty quickly. She reminded me of Sapnap sometimes, the way she would nip but still love you by the end of the day, how she would get angry easily when she wouldn't get her way. We could never be separated, and so me and Sapnap agreed to take her along with us to college, despite his minor cat allergy. I would never admit this to Sapnap, but I was afraid she would start liking him better than me.

"Sapnap, you better remember to feed her on days I'm out." I glared at him through the corner of my eye. I could see his smirk rising as he said,

"Yeah right. It's going to be the opposite. You'll never be out partying, I will."

He was right. The only time I had gone to a party was in high-school with him, and it went horrible. I'm not trying to go into detail about what happened.

"Okay. Promise me you won't party every day." I told him.

Sapnap clutched the wheel, "Nah. No promise." Ugh. He was a handful sometimes.

Patches kept meowing for food, so I was about to bend over when Sapnap's awe startled me. I stared at him for a moment, then turned ahead. I watched the massive University come into view. Sapnap had shown me the pictures online, and it wasn't that cool there, but it was now.

Good thing the traffic wasn't bad that night, because we quickly zoomed into the parking lot, and with Sapnap's terrible parking skills, we got out of the car.

We decided we were going to check our dorm out first, before getting our stuff. I only brought along Patches, which I carried in the crate she was inside. We headed inside the University, which was even better than the outside.

"You remember where our dorm is, right?" Sapnap asked me. I can't believe he would even bother asking that question, "Duh. I memorized it, I was that excited."

Sapnap laughed, and he followed me up the elevator, to our floor.I could see our door leading to our dorm from here, and I sprinted towards it, with Sapnap groaning in response.

I laughed at him, as he struggled to reach me. I kneeled on the door as I waited for him to catch up.

"Dude." He said, "Not fair."

I shrugged, "Life's not fair."

"Well, you got the keys?" Sapnap asked."Yeah." I said, reaching into my pocket, "And return the other ones they gave you, since they're incorrect."

The university had given Sapnap the wrong keys a few months back, and it was fine since at least I had the right ones. We could always get Sapnap the right pair later.

"Okay, ready?" I asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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