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So I was talking with Johan and he figured out my crush and I said if you tell him your head will be in a grave, your torso will be in a volcano, and you Limbs will be in a banana peel!

So he was talking to me and he came up with an idea for a new food called


Hi are you tired of old boring bananas that in which you know what you are going to get? if you are, then that is the ad for you will cannabananas you don't know what you're gonna get

(Kids) "wow I got a thumb!"

"Wow I got a middle finger!"

(Announcer) ok don't point that at anyone kid! ok you can order yours now at (insert phone number here) only for 10.00 $ for 100 cannabananas

Ramdom commercialsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant