prologue - Spark Of Life!

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Senji, your average 10 year old in the world of Pokemon. Today was his day to get a starter in the Galar Region, Scorbunny, Sobble Or Grookey. He was going to pick Scorbunny of course but little did he know that wouldnt happen. Senji rolled over in his bed, just inches before he fell off, he opened his eyes tiredly and processed for a second before panicking and falling off the bed. His forehead made contact with the cold wooden floor. "What a morning..."

He got up and rubbed his head, walking downstairs. He grabbed a coat and threw it onto the couch before going to the washroom to brush his teeth and get his dark hair situated. His hair stayed messy as he came out of the washroom, grabbing his bag, hat and the coat. Throwing them all on and leaving. He walked towards the professors lab to get his starter. As he was walking he spotted a smalle, purple pokemon that looked like a baby... A little eletric symbol on its forehead. 'What..?' He didnt have time to think as a huge Gyarados came out of the water.

It roared loudly, making the baby pokemon start crawling away. It came out of the water and charged a hydro pump, the baby pokemon grabbed onto Senji's leg. He picked it up and ran behind a tree to block the hydro pump. The baby pokemon made a throwing motion with its little hands. "What? You want me to throw you?" The baby pokemon nodded. "Alright.. Whatever you say." Senji threw the baby pokemon at the Gyarados, eletricty came out of its body as it nuzzled into the Gyarados, sending a huge eletrical shock through its body with a 4x effective nuzzle.

The Gyarados didnt take much damage but decied that the baby pokemon wouldnt be a good meal, it dove back into the lake and swam away. The baby pokemon crawled back to Senji, asking to be picked up. Senji picked the little baby up and put it on his head. "So... Whats your name?" Senji asked, he had never seen a Toxel before. "Tox! Tox Toooox!" It shouted loudly then giggled at the end.

"Tox? Well, do you want to join me on my adventure? My goal is to beat Leon! I mean thats like everyones goal but I think you may be strong enough!" Senji said, grabbing the Toxel and hugging it, he got a tingling sensation from the poison it made, "Whoa, so your a poison type too? A electric and poison type! Amazing!" Senji said, very loudly. He put the Toxel on his head and went off into the forest.

What'll become of this adventure? What'll become of Tox the Toxel and will it be amped or low key? Who knows. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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