$imp #1

43 2 1

"Hey um, are you a boy or a girl?"

You stared blankly at the little girl in front of you. It was obvious she didn't know how rude her question was, as she stared at you with her large, innocent eyes.




Your knees ached from bending down just to see what the child wanted when she first tugged at your shorts, so you stood back up, towering over her. 

"Good day, little girl. Unless...you're a boy?" you shot back at her with a small smirk. 

"I-I'm not!" she denied, getting way too offended from your remark and beginning to cry.

"Don't worry, you'll be more comfortable with that title when you're a teen, either way," you mumbled, starting to walk away. Now I'll be late for school. Awesome. 

How you knew that; simply your quirk. You could see people's futures. But that was only a small section of your quirk which was actually being aware that you and everyone else were in an anime/manga. All of your 'predictions' were 100% accurate, you knew everything that was to come in this life, how your story would turn out down the plot with each decision you made, but you chose to focus on the present instead. 

Today was your first day of middle school, and you already knew who you'd meet. 

In about 3...2...1... you prepared your body for a hard impact. 


The protagonist of this story, aka Izuku Midoriya, just turned a narrow corner of a building and ran into you. 

"Oh my god, I-I'm so sorry!" the boy blushed in embarrassment as he scrambled off of you and bowed repeatedly. 

"Don't mention it..." you grunted, helping yourself up and brushing the pain off. 

"I-I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked nervously. 

"No, you're not that strong." you deadpanned at him. "I'm Y/n L/n, by the way." you introduced yourself. 

"I'm Izuku Midoriya!" he shouted, bowing once more. 

"Right." you looked around your surroundings, a bustling city in Japan, then back at Midoriya. "Alright let's go, we're late." you said, grabbing his hand as you dragged him to Aldera Junior High. 

"Ack!- You go to my school? We're late on the first day?!" he panicked. 

Yes, because 5 seconds is the new 20 minutes. "It'll be fine." you answered shortly. 

Finally arriving at the school, you each found your respective class- which was the same class. The room was already filled with students, and the teacher stood at the front of the class, presumably taking attendance. 

"We're here." you spoke, catching their attention, making Midoriya look to his feet in awkwardness from all the eyes on you both. 

"Late on the first day? Hm, I'll excuse it just this once...since it's the first day." the teacher spoke bluntly. "Take your seats."

You nodded and walked to an empty seat, passing a certain blonde hair and red-eyed character. Haha, nice. The other main character that's less main than Midoriya-san.   

After settling down, you began to think. I've already met the protagonist today...These first 2 years aren't even shown in the anime or manga, so I guess I have some time to myself. But I should still be careful with my relationship with these two for the time being.

This should be an interesting 2 years...

Taisho Secrets: 

- Y/n knew that the little girl she encountered would grow to be a trans guy from their quirk telling them so.

- Y/n didn't act so friendly with Midoriya because they decided the middle school trauma was necessary for character development. 

- The first-year teacher hates her job. 

- Y/n is gender neutral so all readers can enjoy the story.

- Y/n is actually a nice person, they just act differently to different people for different circumstances of the future. They were just a little annoyed with the little girl. 

- The author has no idea what they are writing. 

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