The Devil

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Roars filled the outside. Cheers and screams lit Prince and the crews face, I was proud. Waving goodbye and blowing kisses Prince bowed, before exiting the stage. "Y'all were so fucking good" Cat hugged me, everyone was happy. Prince sat on a speaker box that wasn't plugged.

"Thanks" he took a gulp from his water. Although I don't know much about music I could feel the electricity in every song I heard, it was a feeling of Euphoria. Levi came in for a hug but I pulled him to the side instead "Everything okay?" He questioned. Vanessa was here and I needed to know why, "Yeah it's just I know you probably have something going on with Vanessa but if you don't mind can you not bring her around when I'm here?" His face was confused.

"What do you mean?" My eye brows furrowed, was he not aware of her arrival?

My arms hooked around each other, the weather was getting cooler. The sun was going down "Well she was here, her and her Diablo energy. I figured you brought her" Levi was respectful, always and he respected peoples boundaries. I told him prier that I wasn't comfortable around Vanessa and that if she was to come around I wouldn't enjoy it. "No I didn't know, she hadn't informed me, where's she now?" I shrugged as we both look

"Im not sure she stormed away" Levi chuckled a bit. "Look I'll never bring someone around that you don't feel comfortable with. I'm sure she just heard about the festival and came, but if she's bothering you let me know" my lips pursed at his kindness. I gave him a tight

"Yo love birds were going to get some food y'all coming or what?" Levi nodded. "Y'all go I'll stay here for now" I winked to Cat, I figured if I had some alone time with Prince I could help my girl out. It was perfect timing, he seemed to be in a good mood too.

Prince enjoyed the air. Sweat dripped from his body, it was a wonderful site. I broke from my hold "You did good out there" he his followed to me, he viewed me up and down. Butterflies filled my stomach, it was like someone was stirring my insides.

Licking his lips he stood up and walked towards me. He placed his hands on both of my shoulders, they were firm and tight. What the hell was he doing?

"You're so nice" he close enough for me to feel his breath on my skin. Chills climbed my spine, I was lost, drowning deep in his crystal eyes. I imagined me just kissing him right there "Some times" I whispered as if I was afraid to speak up.

I gulped.

His hands traveled to my waist, I wanted to stop but my body wanted more, His right hand fell to my ass, squeezing it tight. I bite my lip as he went for me neck. I couldn't believe what was going on, and in public. My mind started to wonder what if Cat walks in or someone sees and tells her. "Prince stop" he sunk deeper into his kiss, leaving marks.

Luckily staff workers weren't present at the time.

Prince's lips circled back to my face, kissing my lips. He taste was immaculate, his big lips moved with mine, "Give it up V" he whispered through our bond. He pushed his lips deeper to mine causing me to moan in pain, I started to realize what we were doing.

It had to be put to a stop. "Prince I said stop" I pushed him off of me, wiping my lips.

His eyes were full of lust, he looked like a tiger with eyes on its prey. The moment felt good but I couldn't hurt C not even for pleasure. He laughed "I'm going for a walk" he departed from me, I felt like crying but I built my courage back up and headed out too. I waited a few seconds so Prince wouldn't be in my site "Hey girl I got you a cone" Cat handed the cone in my face.

I wasn't in the mood to eat, I was gonna tell her I wasn't hungry but the truth is I was. Fuck it "What's that on your neck?" Prince left a mark, my heart raced. "Uhh mosquito bite" I slapped my hand over the marked skin.

We decided to take a ride on the huge ferris wheel. My tongue scooped the flavored ice cream, the cool sensation calmed me down a bit "So did you get to talk to Prince" No we made out, I felt like shit. I couldn't just tell her the truth "Yeah Uh yeah he said he thinks you're cool" she smiled.

I took another lick. Maybe if I tell her the truth about one thing it'll make me feel better about the other, the wheel pushed us down and around "Cat I need to tell you something, Levi knows this and I want you to know too. Just promise me you won't think differently or see me as a bad person. And please don't tell anyone" she looked concerned.

"Of course you like my sister I promise I won't" she held my hand as my other held the cone of Ice cream. I took a deep breath, "So I am.. well was a street worker. I got saved by Levi and that's the reason I'm staying with him. Im sorry I lied I just thought you would think I was dirty or a whore" Cat squeezed my hand and guffawed.

Her eyes met with mine "V I don't care who you are or what you do. As long as your safe and happy that's all that matters, us woman gotta do what we gotta do right?" Her sentence made me laugh.

"Thank you for not judging me"

"Of course" she laid her head on my shoulder, I placed my head on hers. We aren't perfect and even though we make mistakes only god can judge us or truly be disappointed in us, no matter what.

"There are no accidents, and if there are it's up  to us to look at them as something else. And that bravery is what creates new flowers"
- Prince Rogers Nelson 🕊

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