Worrier Ranks

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Hi! My name is Moonstar as you can see on my username.I really hope this guide helps you!!!! But,oh well!!Enjoy!!


Apprentice: A cat that is six moons or older.Training to become a worrier.The name always ends in paw. Examples: Redpaw      Dovepaw            Lilypaw  and more....

Kits: A kitten who is less then six moons and kits are still in the nursery with the queens.The names always end in kit. Examples: Torrentkit         Silentkit                Uglykit and more......

Queens: A cat who gives birth and nurses kits.

Leader:The cat who is in charge and has nine lives.The name always ends in STAR.
Examples: Moonstar             Hallowstar             Mountainstar and more.........

Deputy:A deputy is a who is second in command to the leader , aiding them in their tasks and replacing them immediately after their death or retirement. Also, when the leader is ill, injured, or unable to perform their duties for another reason, the deputy will take the leader's place until they recover, and they will take their place at the gathering if the leader is absent and cannot attend.

Elders: Worriers that have retired as a result of disability   or old age.

Worriers:Worriers are adult cats who hunt and  protect their clan.

Mentors: They can be from any rank (except from the queens,elders,apprentices and kits).They are assigned to teach the apprentices the ways of a worrier or a med cat. (ok idk how to explain this)

Med. Cats: The healers of the clan, they have the highest authorities exept for the leader

The cats that are not in the clans:

Loners:A loner is the cat who lives and hunts alone, but different then a rouge since they are less inclined to attack clan cats.

Rouges:Agressive stray cats not belonging or wanting in any clan and is not own by twolegs.

Kittypets: Cats that hasn't joined any clan and is domesticated by twolegs.

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