One Shot

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"Sabo-kun~" You call, spotting the familiar tophat. He looks up and smiles when your eyes meet.
"___," He greets as you stop in front of him.
"How was Dressrosa?" You ask.
"It was fun, got to see my little brother," He answers.
"That's great at least one of us had fun," You comment. He tilts his head.
"What do you mean by that?" He questions. You rub you're neck with a sheepish smile.
"It's really boring when you're not here," You tell him. His eyes widen just before his burst into flames. With a surprised squeak you stagger back. "Sabo!?" You gasp.
"Man... This is hard to control," He comments. Using haki, you grab his face, making the flames disperse. "Heh, thanks ___," He huffs with a blush.
"Really, you're so cute sometimes," You chuckle letting go of his face. He looks down shyly and his face catches fire again. "If you keep that up you'll be known as FireFace," You muse. He lets out a slight sigh.
"This is only happening because...." He trails off, muttering. You tilt your head to the side.
"Sabo, relax a bit," You tell him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He relaxes a bit and the fire subsides.
"Sorry...." He sighs.
"It's fine, you want to get something to eat with me?" You ask. He lights up at that.
"Sounds good to me," He says cheerfully.
"Awesome," You chime, starting for a restaurant. He falls in step with you, smiling to himself. You get to the restaurant and sit down. "How is Luffy anyway?" You ask him.
"He seems to be doing really well, though he was a bit sore that I didn't try to connect them sooner," He replies. You smile as he gets a far away look in his eye.
"I bet, if that'd been me I would've hit you... Then kiss you," You comment. Sabo choked on the drink he was drinking, face catching fire
"What?" He coughs.
"I'm just saying," You chuckle. "FireFace,"
"Shh! Don't make it stick!" He hisses, putting a hand over your mouth. You laugh against his palm.
"I won't as long as my lips don't get burnt," You reply. He flushes, fire sweeping over his cheeks as he pulls his hand away.
"What do you mean by that?" He questions. You smile, lightly grabbing his collar and pulling him forward. Bringing your lips to his. He freezes and you pull back just as his face catches fire.
"You're so cute FireFace,"

FireFace~ Sabo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now