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"So I've been looking for some jobs. I figured if I saved some money I can rent my own place" Levi took a sip of his hot coffee, I shoved the scrambled eggs into my mouth. "Aww I'm gonna miss you G" G and V my two egos per say.

It's been a month since I've lived off of the guest room in Levi's place and clothes from friends. I hadn't been on the streets and I've became used to this sorta life, it was relaxing and full of new adventures. Even if those came with a bit of problems. "I know but there's no promises yet.... Levi I just really wanna thank you for allowing me to stay and become like a friend to you and the others. I would've never imagined myself in this position... ever" every word was true. My life had never been glitter 'n glam, it was always trouble.

From parents and family, to friends and foes I was a mess. Young Gia would've flipped if she knew her life would take this route, she would be full of hope.

"No worries, you're more than any random chick I found late night in a psychos car." He held me in his arms, warm and tight "I thank you for keeping it real and trying to better yourself before anything" His scent filled my
nostrils. His assured words gave me a spill of emotion, God truly works in mysterious

The day was just starting, after the rock & blues fest the crew got some attention. A record company wanted to meet with Prince and the band and speak on music terms. Not only was my dreams coming true there's were as well. The phone rung off the wall.

In Levi's hold "I'll get it" he moved aside. Stuffing toast into his mouth "Hello?" I wiped the corners of my lips from the eggs that I practically swallowed.

"Hi is this Giana Vezquilo?" No one's called me by my full name in years. The voice sounded familiar "Uh yeah? Who's asking?" I wrapped my fingers around the cord.

"Me bitch" a knock appeared on the door frame. The line went out, I was confused. "Coming" I voiced.

Twisting the handle I was met with the person I thought I'd never see again. My best friend and blood cousin Tina "OMG" I jumped into her arms, she placed her phone into her pocket. Stunned as I was, I stilled wondered how she got the address or number "Omg Tina how the hell did you know where I was?" Her eyes filled with tears, mine did the same.

Levi ran to the door from the kitchen "Levi let me know" my heart wrapped in clovers. He placed his hands on my shoulder "But how?" I led Tina inside. We took a quick seat on the couch "She called when you went to pick up groceries a few weeks ago. She asked for you but you weren't here so I said I'll take a message. Confused on who I was I let her in on the information once I learned she was your cousin you hadn't seen in awhile. We made arrangements since then and well" he was happy at the site of my reunion.

I cried happy tears.

"We have so many things to catch up on" we hugged once more.

"And we'll Anthony is working full time job, you know he's on his doctor duty and we'll the kids are just fine" I hadn't seen my cousin in so long I forgot she had a husband and children. We missed out on so much together "I'm so happy to see you, I'm happy your doing well. I've been staying with Levi as you know and I've never been happier" she held my hands tight.

Her eyes raised "Okay enough with the lovey shit you boning the dude?" My eyes widened at the lady's words "Jesus keep it down T" she giggled. No I wasn't having any sexual intimacy with Levi and has the thought crossed my mine a few times maybe, but he was like a brother and I couldn't think of him that way.

"So are you?" A perfume bottle sat on top of my desk. I gave it a few sprays on my body. "No girl" Levi was getting ready for a meetings he had in a few, he said Prince said he wouldn't mind if I tagged along. What happened at that Festival stays at the festival.

Tina was laying on my bed, her body displayed on my sheets. "So I'm going with Levi where ya gonna go?" I felt bad leaving Tina here, I prayed she had plans.

She sat up, her feet hanged from the edge of my bed "I'm gonna meet up with some old friends, you remember Angela and Erica right?" Of course I remembered them, how could I not. Erica was someone Tina considered a second sister, she would always go everywhere with her.

Angela was her much older friend. When Tina volunteered at a Nursing home she met Angie, which was her nickname then.

"Okay we'll call me if anything" I slipped my shoes on and tied the laces. Since I've been using some clothes Tina did a very nice thing and got me some presents, she got me some new clothes at the mall. Her doctor of a husband is something any girl would get their nails on, she happened to be lucky.

My cousin is 26, we're 5 years apart. I've always admired her, she was elegant and since I'm the 3rd oldest of 4 children. The attention hadn't ever been on me, only when I was hurt or really depressed. Even then I felt neither of my parents cared, But Tina's mom was the only one who made me feel loved, that's the reason we were even ripped from each other.

My mother envied her sisters relationship with me.

"That hickey says a lot" I had forgot about my love mark. I put concealer over it "Shut up" she smirked, her eyes smiled as well.

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