All alone

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The following week, a day was declared off for aspirants so Johanna invited Jon for that day.

Susan does chat with Jon as they nurtured a platonic relationship, she often tells Jon to have an intimate with Johanna even if she( Johanna) refuses which he firmly opposed but she never stops talking about it on a fundamental that in a romance intimacy must occur.

A Repeated Knock on the door, Was heard by Johanna as she walked out of her room. I'm coming, she yelled. Jon had arrived, he recall what Susan told him and he think about it after calming down. She entertained him and gawked a movie.

A moment later, Jon was romancing her as she play along until pull back after moving to undress her. Jon then aborted is the mission and changed plans as she escorted him afterward and flapped goodbyes afar.

Jon met with Susan the following week after narrating what happened with Johanna. They connived by making Johanna visit Susan on a national holiday.

At this point, Jon was frantic like never before plotted with his cohort - Susan to alert him once she (Johanna) appeared. while she had called Johanna some hours ago, her phone rang frequently glimpsing Johanna had called meant she is here.  The door was opened and saw her, they melted and exchanged greetings.

She then served Johanna a continental delicacy she had prepared upon her arrival. while she put the sedative powder into the food and called Jon to come as soon. Johanna ate almost the whole food, she then dozed off after 10minutes.

Jon had arrived, carried her into Susan's room lovemaking, she woke up subconsciously discovered been wet. what she saw was a back of a guy who looks like Jon closing the door, Susan was outside while she screamed out as Susan rushed in. she called into question, Susan replied perhaps she had a wet dream but her instincts depicted something was wrong beyond deception. she took off suspiciously. 

A week later, she met with Jon after a long conversation, Jon made a threatening argument she could be jilted if she refuses to get intimate while Johanna agreed to save her relationship. Subsequently week, they had sex twice every week. Johanna has gotten accustomed to it, and charged surplus from Jon.

she has been consumed by the intimacy which continued for an extended spell. 

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