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One thing was clear, he didn't want to get expelled. Though he didn't want to just take it like a bitch. Don't get into anymore fights Pops said, don't be worse than them he said, he also didn't say not to be a coward. Yet here he was, running away like a one. Where did that get him next?

"Hey, germ freak!"

Feet skidding on the slippery, polished floor, Chisaki made a sharp dash around the corner.

"Where's your crackhead friend?"

"He has a name. And you don't get to harass him, so screw off somewhere else."

"Aw, ok.... Guess you'll do."

"Just leave me alone...."

He tried being the bigger person, whatever that meant since these skum were asking for it, but anything he said or did managed to piss them off.

"Nah." He was ready just to walk away since it was suggested to him, but no....

"Are you listening to me??"


Chisaki could hear them alright, and he wished he could've ignored them like earlier. That however made things escalate. As of now, he looked for somewhere to dodge for cover. He despised the rush of blood pumping from his heart, and the sweat that betrayed him. He had enough stamina to outrun them, though it was mainly fear that slurred the escape. This is always what happened to him. If it wasn't his "friends" that got the gist of it, he'd get the backlash. Despite knowing this, it made his blood boil when they'd said shitty things about the yakuza, most of all Kurono who he stood his neck out for believe it or not.

Where did that foolishness get him.

"Yo! Chisaki, you in there? C'mon, this is getting boring."
He pretended not to acknowledge their existence, and it bit him in the ass.

Power at his fingertips, quite literally, and he didn't use it. Then again, because of ridiculous laws for quirks, he couldn't go around using his own in public. Unfortunate that wasn't an option in his case, it took a lot of control in the very minimum to keep the itch reigned in.

"Hey," moments before things went wrong, someone hissed at him "pay attention when I'm talking to you-!"

Chisaki swore by his honor he didn't mean it. The intense burn caused by that one touch, the hand harshly grabbing him by the face, the absolute filth triggered his quirk to lash out. The person even managed to rip off his mask too, and currently he tried not to gag on air at the contamination.
Luckily for them, the damage was a minor blow to the eye. Actually, that would be a lie. Chisaki's studied enough in basic human biology, and he knew how severe it was. At worst if they didn't lose that eye, they'd be blinded for life with a giant scar as evidence. Not that was any of his concern, but his imagination could picture what the boss man would say, most of all how he would look at him. So much in fact, he panicked too long and was thrown like a ragdoll. Seeing stars from the impact.


Stifling a gasp, he writhed under the invisible force holding him down after he hit the wall. A telekinesis quirk, a rather advanced one.... He was in for more trouble.

"Stay away from me!"

Whatever demand he made fell on deaf ears, and in the moment he regretted taking air for granted as his form was squeezed without mercy. Some bones popped out of place, his ribs for example cracking, but he forced himself to be quiet.
This was something he learned-make any sound and you're giving them satisfaction, no matter how much blood he drew from biting his tongue. He could always heal it later, but as he was restrained, he noticed another blurry figure come forward. Something in hand, he recognized what it was; a collar.

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