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authors note;
hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that on this chapter it might just sound like the cliche 'girl goes on plane, starts fresh in a different country, meets luke, ends up happily ever after' kind of fanfic but i swear, something big is coming in the next chapter which i should have written soon!!! I don't think this has been dont before (I hope) so yeah basically.

I could see my reflection in the tear that rolled down her cheek as we said goodbye.

"don't be gone too long, okay?" Becca said as she wiped her eyes. We were both a mess as I was about to board my plane and after spending the whole summer together, it was proving hard to say goodbye to eachother.

"I won't, I can't stay away from you for too long, i'll miss you way too much. I mean, who will I have there to stay up all night watching movies with me, or to make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts and I start sounding like a wailing seal?" I just manage to choke out, trying to make light of the situation, but really, it's making me even more scared and upset about leaving. I don't even know when I can come back, I don't exactly have much money, so I won't be able to afford another flight here, so I probably won't be seeing Becca for a long time, and just thinking about it made me ready to burst out into tears again.

Her eyes started to fill up with tears again as she hauled herself into my arms. We just stood there for a while, crying and holding onto eachother like our life depended on it, people were staring and I was not caring. I honestly could care less about any of the people that surround us, filling the air with loud chatter, probably being about the two girls in the middle of the airport hugging and crying for ten minutes and refusing to let go of eachother.

"All passengers wanting to board the plane from Sydney to Los Angeles, please go to gate 12 immediately" The loud speakers announced, forcing us to have to pull away from the hug and say our final goodbyes, while still sobbing of course. As I walked away I turned around to see my best friend - who's been by my side for my whole life here in Australia - fade into the distance as I start my new life, over in LA. I knew that I had to do this, but I didn't know how hard it would be to say goodbye to everyone I have connected with here, it was extremely hard. My life in Sydney was falling apart and i knew how many amazing opportunities will - hopefully - be waiting for me over in LA, I just couldn't not go.

As I was about to get on the plane, I got out my boarding pass and my passport ready so I didn't have to rummage all the way through my immensly cluttered bag. I was seat 32A, which I had no idea where that would be. Obviously, since I was on my own - sadly nobody else could see just how many great opportunities there happened to be in America - I would most probably have to be sat next to a stranger, oh just wonderful. I just prayed silently in my head that it wasn't a creepy old man.

I got through and onto the plane with no problems, now leaving me to find my seat. I looked out for the seats labelled 32 as I paced up and down for a while, probably annoying the other passengers, scanning each row carefully, but I just couldn't find the row I was supposed to be in.

"thirty-two, thirty-two, thirty-two, c'mon where are you thirty-two?" I mumbled to myself, getting pretty impatient by now.

"Thirty-two is over here" I heard a voice call. I looked over in the direction of the voice and saw a boy, around 17, peeking around the chair infront of him. He had bright blue sparkling eyes, a black lip ring and a blonde quiff that was probably higher than most of my grades. OK, definitely not a creepy old man.

Of course I forgot to check right at the back, I didn't even see it as it was the last row in the plane.

"Um, hey. Thanks for helping me find this row, I probably would've still be standing if you didn't help. Oh, i'm Ivy by the way" I chuckled trying to present myself not as awkward of a person as I actually am.

"Yeah, it's cool." He said plainly whilst looking out the window, still not taking one glance over at me.

Well, this will be a long plane ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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