Unleash the dino

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It was a dark and stormy night. But then it was daytime.

Sam the dolphin entered the office of Professor peppa, looking utterly furious.

"Professor peppa!" Sam exclaimed in the form of a question. "I am quite troubled. I have a dreadful issue upon me."

(Peppa is now a teacher at Mcbumble highschool, which specializes in picking apples.)

"It has been 48 years since I've sent you a message and you've left me on seen..." Sam said, making typical dolphin noises.

Peppa placed her professional glasses on her snout elegantly, and snorted mockingly.

"I am astonished at these accusations," Peppa explained. "If you want actual issues, go complain to Jeremy. He's left you on seen for 49 years!"

Sam gasped in absolute shock. "I'll be right back!"

Peppa snorted aggressively. "Oh, I'm sure you will."

Peppa left her office and entered the headquarters of the Mcbumble apple-picking school.

"George!" She shouted gently. "I need you to unleash the dinosaur upon Sam!!!"

*epic and suspenseful lightning strike*

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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Professor Peppa and the Mcbumble schoolWhere stories live. Discover now