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Hello, welcome to this story. It's been a while. 

Just wanted to use this page to greet and maybe add announcements later if necessary. I haven't been around for a while but hopefully things will work the same. I don't even know if anyone will read this but well, it's gotta go somewhere so I decided to post it here and on ao-3.

As usual, I am open to discussions and friendships. I enjoy conversations even if I suck at texting back, so say hey :) 

Please don't use my real name on this site if you know it. Seriously. I am not comfortable with that, just call me RK. 

This will be crossposted in another fanfic site (ao-3) for the epub/kindle/pdf download convenience. Message me if you would like the link for that as well, but it is posted under raven_klaw username . 

And I will try to finish the story before I start posting so don't hold your breath, lol. I will do my best to finish it up asap. You don't have to read as I update, feel free to read it in one go at the end--though I can't promise when that will be yet.

It's going to be a rather short story but if the characters stick like The Journey (Nikhil/Radhika), I might come back to elaborate some scenes. Speaking of, I will repost TJ as well, without editing. I have no intention of finishing it but I think some people were interested in it so I will return that little, haunting, darling of mine back to you. Maybe I will write an epilogue to wrap it up, so you don't hate Radhika as much, lol.

A note on copyright. I doubt I will ever be a published author so I won't stress about someone reposting on other site as long as you don't claim it as yours. I am too tired from life and shit to actually care, to be honest. So I won't bother checking links or anything. But if I do decide to monetize my work, I will let my lawyer do the rest.

And lastly, please feel free to criticize my take on people and their behavior but also remember this: Life is strange and people are stranger. We are all just trying to survive each day, this way or that. I am not a good writer but I always seem to have things to say so I write about it. If you don't agree with what I write, you can debate it out with me or not read, just don't be rude.

And that's about it. See you in the first chapter! 

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