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If someone asked me to cross a stream,
by building a path of stones;
I could easily just toss a few,
to step upon and get across.

So long as I am careful,
watching I don't slip;
I could use this method,
and not go down stream.

But days should pass.
Water levels rise;
The path is gone.
Across the river I must get.

But how when this plan fails again?
Build a path, again of stones;
That can easily be crossed.
Present and future, for travelers a like.

Build a bridge instead of stepping stones.
Hard work it may be, but pay off,
It will, you'll see.
A bridge so one can cross with ease.

Not fall to the fateful rush.
The stream below becomes a river.
Others will come to cross.
Build the bridge.

The hard way becomes easier,
when going down the road.
So now you see what you do,
affects more than one.

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