chapter 1 - first meet

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"Hi! My name is Kai, I found you from tiktok lmao, you said you were looking for friends?"

Kai wrote.

(A few minutes ago)

Kai was scrolling through tiktok, she was pretty bored. All her friends were offline, then she saw the video.
"I'm looking for friends since my friends are always offline 😭😭"

She looked at the video and added her.

(Back in the present)

Kai looked at her phone,

"Helloo!! My name is Yui! And yeah, my friends are basically dead 😭'

She wrote. Kai looked at the message, she smiled lightly.

"Ooh, same- they keep ignoring my messages ☹️"

Kai wrote. She had 2 friends, star and michelle, but they spend more time in the real world then on they're phones. So they hardly talk,

"That sucks- well I'm glad you found my tiktok! You're the first to add me!!"

Yui wrote, Kai looked at her message,

"Really?? You're video had like 1280 views"

Kai wrote confused.

"Yeah- It just seems like nobody wanted to add me 😭"

Yui wrote sighing. Kai looked at the message,

"Don't worry, I do! Also where do you live?"

Kai texted,

"I live in australia!"

Yui wrote smiling. Kai blinked,

"Ohh, I live in Indonesia-"

Kai wrote frowning a bit. That means they can't exactly meet up, can they?

"Awe, it's fine! And I'm actually going to Indonesia for holiday in 2 days!!"

Kai's eyes lit up,

"Really??? Yayy! That means we can meet up!"

Kai texted smiling while yui looked a bit nervous.

"Well, we have to get to know each other first before meeting up-"

Yui wrote, Kai smiled nervously

"Oh yeah- let's do that!!"

(A few hours later)

Kai and Yui has been talking for hours. Until now,


someone shouted, Kai blinked looking downstairs,

"YES MOM???"

Kai shouted back,


Kai's mom shouted.
Kai blinked before sighing,


Kai shouted then looked at her phone,

"Sorry I have to go eat-"

Kai texted,

"It's absolutely fine!! We can talk again next time"

Yui texted,

"Alright! Cya!"

Kai texted before turning her phone off smiling lightly. Really happy. She got to meet her..

Sorry this was short I'm a bit lazy lol, anyways that's it for this chapter, tomorrow I'll make a new one!)

Creator : xunshine

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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