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Why does she always look at me like that?
Her piercing eyes are getting on my nerves.

I would be sitting in class, listening to the teacher when Ganyu would start coughing violently next to me out of nowhere. To be polite, I always ask her if everything's alright. She always turns away and dismisses me with her hand.
I'm not even sure if we ever actually talked.
She is a strange and quiet girl.

One day, I saw her sitting on the rooftop, eating lunch all by herself. As if she was hiding from someonr.

Once I decided to follow her to the roof...
It was windy and way to cold to be chilling there. Why would she go there willingly..?
I sat next to her and tried to start a conversation. And surprisingly, it went pretty well. We had similiar interests and shared the same hatred for maths.

We began to grow close and I even considered her my best friend. I loved her.

We told each other everything and I found out she had a sister, Shenhe. But no matter how hard I tried, she never told me why she was having so many coughing fits and I didn't want to push her so hard into telling me.
Ah yeah, they became even worse over time. I started to grow really worried, she was barely able to go to school at some point.

And just as I expected, she stopped going there completely a few days later.

I thought she finally came to senses and let herself rest, but I was naive to think that.

The 4th of January was the day we first met, and the day I received a call from Ganyu's Parents.
Their daughter had passed away and they were calling her friends to let them know.

They said dr. Baizhu called it "hanaki disease".

Apparently a flower grew inside her lungs and prevented her from breathing properly. Nobody knew about her condition until a week or two ago.

I searched it up in the internet and found even more about it out: the flower will grow and grow until it takes up all the space in your lungs up. The only way to make it stop, is to tell your crush about your feelings.

Her sister told me about how ganyu used to talk a lot about me, the way her eyes were glittering and she would look truly happy.

Did she love me ?

I am standing in front of her grave right now. My gloves brushing against the selfie we took two weeks ago. I'm so incredibly sorry that I doubted you at first. My dumbass thought that you were just a random quiet kid. If I could go back in the past, I would be so different, so much wiser...

I clenched my fist around the needle in my pocket. Soon. Ganyu I'm so sorry, I've learned to love you too. Wait for me just a bit longer on the other side.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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