The realization

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A/N: I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to make midoriya a bitch in this one.. I also will not be making small comments in the middle of the story so don't worry about that either 🧍‍♀️when it is someone point of view tho I will add a gap. If it's a narrator speaking or explaining it will just be plain no third person or any of that I also like switching POV's a lot so don't mind that!

Sero and kirishima have been dating for a while now and they equally knew they were poly but they just didn't have the third that made them complete and they knew that..

Kirishima's point of view:

I flopped on the bed sighing loudly and audibly so my boyfriend sero could hear, "what's got you worked up now?" I heard him say at his desk "I know we shouldn't rush things but I just feel like we're missing something y'know" sero turned around in his chair after u said that looking at me with a confused and sorrow look "don't you think we should wait?" "Yes but-!" "No but's we talked about this, we are gonna find someone we truly and equally love-" he was cut off with a door slamming open and shut "HEYY GUYS!! Oh.. was I interrupting something?" Kaminari said from the now closed door

Sero's point of view:

I heard my boyfriend sigh audibly and loudly on purpose I assume so I said something about it knowing he probably won't confront it first "what's got you worked up now?" I said loud enough for him to hear, "I know we shouldn't rush things but I just feel like we're missing something y'know?" He said sadly, I switched my chair around looking at him with un-intent sorrow "don't you think we should wait?" I muttered out "yes but-!" He was cut off with the door opening and closing and I heard a intent "HEYY GUYS!! Oh.. was I interrupting something?" He said from the closed door behind him I simply told him no and turned back to my homework listening in on kirishima's and kaminari's conversations which were really random, until I noticed how my cheeks would go pink every now and then not only because of kirishima but Denki to.. maybe it wasn't to early?

It was a early morning and kaminari woke up rather early, since it was the weekend he should have absolutely no interest getting up whatsoever yet his friends made it impossible and to be honest he kinda liked it not because of the fact he got to hang out with his friends now but because of kirishima and sero, see he knew they were openly poly and bisexual so he decided he was gonna do his best to be that third lover, he started hanging out with them more often buying them new things and items and little gadgets and merch, now he was heading down the stairs with a crop top,black skinny jeans with secure pockets,headphones in his ears playing electric love,some combat boots,and gloves the cut from the thumb and stop right under the elbow and arm waist

Midoriya's point of view:

I saw sero walk over and give kiri a sweet kiss.. that could have been me and kirishima yet I'm stuck with this bitch,and he sucks at blowjobs, I'm currently dating tenya but I wanna date kirishima and he's getting in the way of that, I know there poly so maybe I could slither my way to him first I need to get rid of this strict ass bitch..

Denki's point of view:

I passed by midoriya not noticing he was staring at sero and kirishima, I then walked pass sero and kiri giving love kisses to each other until sero pulled me back which pretty much surprised me as I had a lollipop in my mouth and almost choked on it getting pulled back, I coughed for a minute then asked what was up after taking the Lollipop out my mouth and removing the head-buds from my ears which gave a open view to the lollipop kirishima loved it was strawberry,lemon,and watermelon mixed in one and to be honest it was delicious, kirishima grabbed the lollipop from me and put it in his mouth smirking quite happily which led me to be in a shock as to I had my mouth and SALIVA on it!
"Kirishima my mouth was on that take it out!!" But to my surprise he took it out and put it in sero's mouth to which I blushed harder if possible as sero just sucked on it and licked it a few times before putting it back in my mouth.. what got into these two?

Time-skip to earlier in the day

Sero: babe..
Kirishima: yeah??
Sero: I think you was right about the whole we should find our third thing-..
Sero said that whilst blushing and miserably failing to hide it and to his surprise kirishima just jumped in his lap laughing happily "I knew you had a thing for kami I just knew it!" Sero knew kirishima didn't mind but he wasn't actually expecting him to be excited about it' he was also confused how ei knew he was talking about denki.. wait denki? Ahhh no there not in that basis yet! Kaminari denki..

Midoriya's point of view:
THAT BITCH,WHORE,ASSHOLE,DICKHEAD HE STOLE MY PLAN...I can't allow this... I won't allow this.........

I will kill kaminari denki.

A/N: haha hey!! So how did I do? Was it good for my first try! Anyway the word count is 949 words processed at a time so the story is pretty short but I'll attempt to make my stories longer in order to entertain and gain more followers,votes,etc and u will attempt to improve from here!! Feel free to put ideas in the chat/comment I attempt to read and fine everyone you know so please don't be scared to make requests and as you know midoriya acts rude in this and at some point snaps. Should I give this ship a bad ending or a good ending for that I will let you decide!!

People who Votes for good ending:

People who vote for the bad ending:

Haha and if you really wanna vote then make sure to give me some ideas on how you want it to end on the good and bad ending if the majority requests smut,fluff,angst,etc I'll do it!! The ending is yours to decide right now haha 😅😅 uh-oh now the word count is 1114 u didn't mean to make my speech a little longer then the story oof 😣

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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