5 || A Dream, she doesn't want to have?

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Rosalie was standing in the middle of city, so that she thought it was real.  When she looked down at her outfit, she gasped. "what? how? did I get into my agency outfit. I remember I quit?" she tried to remove it but somehow she couldn't.

"Yo, Rosa please don't strip as we are on a job" spoke a familiar voice near her. 

Rosalie glance over, seeing a girl with half periwinkle half blonde hair landing next to her. Rosalie tensed up and was about to lash out at the girl near her. Soon enough she noticed a familiar pattern, with the other girls as the scenery. She listed off the girls names in her head.
'Jay, Harmony, Melody and Bell... of course her twin sister Lily wasn't with her, since she left the city for their home realm.'

'what the hell? I'm a dreaming?!...'

Rosalie growled and she raced ahead of them. "don't try to follow me I'm trying to leave this nightmare?!" she yowled taking off to the edge of the building. Her hair revealed her pointed ears, but for no known reason, the four girls didn't see her ears, as she touched the edge and launched herself off.

The others screamed trying to stop her from killing herself, but they are too late. Rosalie fell to the ground, eyes closed swiftly as she fell. The scene itself around her faded around her. 

Rosalie gasped. Eyes shot wide open staring at the ceiling, where she was laying on her bed. Her comforter was half off the bed. Her golden-blonde hair tangled, behind her and messy sideburns outstretch from her shoulders. Their eerie words echoed in her head from her dream, as she drowsily laid there. 

Sitting up, she sighed. Letting it sink in. She rolled over to her lamp on the nightstand. Clicking it on. Frustration etched inside her. Keeping her voice down, since she was unsure if Jinx is a deep sleeper or not? and she don't want to wake her up to deal with a cranky-sleep deprived friend. "Is this some sort of trick, my mind is pulling? I do not want to be reminded of them and my old secret agent name..." 

is it too hard for me to just let this agent thing, behind me... clutching the blanket in her fist as she glanced at her fist, clenching it tight. 

Rosalie breathed heavily. Trying to forget her dream's details. It wasn't what she needed. while she was with her sister over in her hometown. She never dreamt about her spy life at all. Rosalie let her head fall back into her pillow once more. Staring up at the ceiling again. She raised her hand toward it and looked at it. Rosalie let out a deep sigh. putting her hand back at her side and shifted over on he left side. Grabbing her pillow with her arms pulling it further downward and let out a huge sigh. 

"I- I guess I could sleep more?" she closed her eyes tightly shut once more and tried to fall asleep once more. 


When morning came around once more. Sunlight shined in the cracks of Rosalie's curtains.   Rosalie laid on her bed. Bags under her eyes. She tried to sleep after she had that dream, yet she couldn't. All she did was reopen her eyes and laid there on her back staring at the ceiling. Rosalie huffed. Grunting rolling to the side where her night-side lamp sat turned on, she reached her arm out and grabbed the chain and clicked it, turning the lamp off. 

Rosalie shifted back to lay on her back and sighed. "well, I guess I'll have to get ready for the day? now do I?" she grunted as she sat up. and swung her legs off the bed. 

Rosalie looked down and straightened her slippers in place and put her feet inside them as she got off her bed. She turned to her bed and loosely straightened her comforter to meet the pillows. She went to the other side of her bed and did the same thing. 

Rosalie sighed, placing her hand on her head. She turned to her curtains and opened them revealing the morning sunlight. However something, more like someone caught her attention, as she opened her window to let the fresh air in her room. what the hell? she thought as she looked below her, a guy stood on the sidewalk below. It was hard for her to make out the details since on how high up she was, so she didn't bother calling down at him. since it's unlikely for him to hear her voice. 

Rosalie was getting a suspicious feeling, from this man. "who even was he?" she quietly spoke. 

She later shrugged it off, closing her curtains and walked away from the window to get changed into one of her many outfits. She has in her closet and dresser. Rosalie finished off by putting black thigh high's on her legs. after she put on a off-white layered skirt, with flowers decorating the edges. She wore pastel short sleeved pink and blue top. She put her silver watch on her left wrist and stood up. detaching her pixel6, from the charging port and grabbing her spy phone and inserting both into her shoulder bag. 

Rosalie put most of her important items like wallet, credit card pooch and everything like that into her purse as well. including her set of keys. lain with a neck strap attached to the keychain. Rosalie also included her motorbike keys for some reason. Brought all with her as she left the bedroom to where the main and only bathroom so she can brush her teeth, floss and brush her hair. 

Rosalie heard Jinx in the kitchen, tinkering away with breakfast, but didn't bother heading there to chat up, she can eat once she's done, in the bathroom.

Rosalie closed the door, after clicking on the light and put her shoulder bag on one of the towel hooks on the back of the door. She turned to the mirror. Opening the drawer where she stored her brush, comb and other Hair products like Blow Dryer, Curling Iron and Straightener. Rosalie started combing out the knots through her hair, and switched to the brush to brush gently through her tangled hair from the night. 

too be continued...

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