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There stood a tall man with his signature crispy curls. My heart practically jumped out of my chest, I could cry. "ANDYY" I screamed. Prince and the rest stood with confused faces as they watched what they assumed was a reunion. Andy my big brother, him and Tina were the only people who I ever truly loved.

"GIAAAA" in his hold I shut my eyes tight. I prayed no one heard him say my name, dusting it off I escaped from his hold.

Prince leaned on a wall, his arms crossed over his chest while his eyes squinted at me and my guest. Levi came out, "Yooo" his hand slapped up Andy's, did they know each other? "Wait Levi you know Andy?" Laughing I was a bit confused. Now that my life has constantly been changing and I'm a fresh model for Prince and the band I knew I had a lot of catching up I had to do with both Tina & Andy.

"This is my best bro, he was killer in choir" I had forgotten Andy was a musician as well. He was the only one who made me understand the love of music everyone seemed to have. I remember hating sad songs, they only made memories flood back in.

He was the reason I loved Marvin Gaye, James Brown and Elvis. He showed me the world of music and how it affect a person, he made me love it.

It wasn't till I was kicked out by my "in love" alcoholic/drug addicted parents were I lost my touch for music. My touch for anything really "You can thank Tina. When she was eating dinner last night and we came home late, you went right to bed and we talked for a while. She told me another family member she knew you'd love to see was in Minneapolis as well so I told her to contact him and let him know where you'd be today."

I couldn't be more happier. "Thank you" My hands hooked over both of Levi's shoulders holding him tight, I pecked his cheek.

"We don't got time for reunions mamas, take it somewhere else" Prince seemed annoyed. Per usual "Nice to meet you Mr. Andy" Cat shoved by Prince and his rudeness, displaying her hand for Andy's.

Her smile widened "I see good looks run in the family" he kissed the back of her hand. "Pleasure to meet you" Oh and he lived in pairs, he was the only sibling who hadn't become a disappointment. Graduating from high school and got a music scholarship for a school in Paris, he was doing well and I couldn't be prouder.

Andy had no idea I was working were I was but I believe I may have mentioned it to him once over the phone.

"We have a lot to catch up on, let me finish this photoshoot quickly and then we can talk" I hugged him once more, he nodded his head lightly. Levi led him outside, Cat seemed star struck "Jesus woman, snap out of it" I joked. Was she loosing her struck for P?

Andy and I decided to talk over some burgers
and shakes. The first time we came to 'Sabrina's Lounge' was when we were 13, we snuck out of the house to get food. Since he was staying over for a week and my parents were passed out drunk it was easier for us to get around.

That night we came to 'Sabrina's Lounge' and continued up to were he left for college and I got thrown out our own house.

"You know I bet your life has been full of rich people" Lots of rich white people visited Paris on the free time and I'm sure Andy ran into a few in the time he spend there. "Mmh" he shook his head, smirking while chewing the burger.

Popping a fry into my mouth "So are you out or are you just stopping by?" I hoped he was out, collage is a lot. "I've got a few years left and when Tina said she was coming to visit you I knew I had to come too. I've finished my mid terms and I'm free for a few days, but maybe you can get me out of there quick with this new rise to fame I'm hearing... what's that about?" His eyebrows raised.

I couldn't take him seriously "It's not a rise to fame, I'm just experimenting with some career choices. Plus becoming a model" My fingers did air quotes "Isn't my cup of tea" he chuckled a bit.

"What?" My eyebrows furrowed. "It's seemed like you enjoyed the posing through the window of the door I was watching in. You know sis you're a very beautiful woman and if this the route god is taking you to than so be it." He was right.

He always was, when we were kids he told me I'd be the first to make it huge. I have some what of an opportunity and I wanna throw it out of the window. It made me feel a bit dumb, until he changed subjects "That guy seemed a bit jealous, what's his name like Prince or something. I seen him around school but he was always out, I think he likes you" Butterflies sprouted in my stomach.

The thought of Prince liking me was a fantasy plus he was Cat's. We've been over this "No no he doesn't like me he likes Cat, it's plain to see" Andy scrunched his nose.

"Mmmm... they seem like siblings. I know when a guy likes a girl, duh I'm a guy. The way they talk to each other there's no spark, no daring energy but when y'all spoke it was I don't know just this light. Cat may like him but trust and believe he's into you more" Cat was head over heels for this guy.

I've never seen anyone so devoted to someone and when Andy said there wasn't a spark between them I think he meant specifically for Prince. Levi was right, Prince saw her as a sibling and Prince even said it too, her poor heart. If I was to run in his arm that would be horrible, I wasn't gonna ruin anyones

"I think you worry to much about peoples feelings. Let yourself be happy for once, I mean there's plenty of fish in the ocean and I know you like him too G. Stop setting your mental with denial" I bite down at my burger, my head spun.

I guess sibling really do have that thing. He basically read my mind "You don't know him or her" Again I pushed this feeling down.

"Speak your heart, if they don't understand, the message was never for them" - Prince Rogers Nelson 🕊

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