| Suffering

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“Ano ang pagdurusa—
Ano ’to para sa’kin?
Ako ang tangi nitong ibig sabihin.”

I found cure in poison because I own it.
I found music in chaos because it is a secret I am keeping to myself
that it haunts me still, why human beings turn a blind eye to see their own design.
Why should they have to blame the world, the fate, or God?
I wonder, and wonder, I keep wondering for nights
because I see no salvation up here, hell.
Heaven, I don't hear monsters down here
And paradise;
paradise, I never regretted the exile.
I found art in illness because I'm experiencing it
I found life in madness because I love being a mess myself
This, I owe me further love
for in pain, my soul resurrects again!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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