Chapter 1

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"There is one rule of being a Vampire....

Never fall in love with a useless human."

This words where spoken to Hitoshi almost everyday in his childhood until it was imprinted on his soul.

Hitoshi Shinsou, a man with lavender hair, purple eyes, and pointy fangs. If anyone asked they would release that he was actually pretty alright even though he looked scary. They would learn that his favorite color is yellow, or that he was twenty three even though he looked like he was nineteen. They would learn that he liked rock and punk bands unlike most of vampires.

This is the day, he will pick a blood slave, until the useless human dies.


Hitoshi slammed his hand on his alarm clock. Most vampires liked to wake up with organ music, Hitoshi liked to listen to cats meowing. The purple haired man looked at his calendar and sucked in his breath. Today was the day he would choose a blood slave. Hitoshi looked his blankets, even trying not to, the purple haired man had always felt sorry for the humans. I mean why couldn't the vampires and them just live side by side?

Hitoshi sighed and placed his feet on the cold, wooden floor. He walked over a cheap plastic Mirror, vampires couldn't see themselves in iron, but they soon found they could see themselves in the cheap plastic ones the humans made when they dominated the earth.

Hitoshi rubbed his eyes, looking at the dark bags below them.

He rolled his purple eyes and began to walk down the overly large hall. All vampires born of his statice would be given a house like this.

Hitoshi was one of the most powerful vampires in Japan, his hypnosis was unmatched by anyone.

Hitoshi bite his lip as he walked out the door of his house, he walked down the snowy streets, heading towards the place blood servants were sold.

The snow was stained in crimson blood. Once a blood servant died there master just simply threw them out into the streets, not caring.

Hitoshi gritted his teeth, this place was a dump.

He finally reached the Blood slave place walked through the glass door.

He walked over to the counter where a girl with orange hair and small fangs was working.

"Hello, I'm Hitoshi Shinsou and I'm looking for my first blood servant." He said plainly to the girl.

The girl looked up at him and smiled, some vampires didn't care about statice and was just nice to everyone.

"Alright sir! Let me lead you to where we keep them." She said, getting up and beginning to walk down a long hall.

There where humans screaming, crying and begging for mercy. Hitoshi looked at each one and saw the same thing.


Everyone was afraid to be picked, to have there blood drained from them and then tossed into the streets like they weren't even alive.

Although nobody could blame them for it.

Hitoshi's eyes roamed around to see a pen that was empty, strange there where never empty pens.

Humans that didn't get picked for blood slave where forced to breed with other humans so the population just kept growing as it did decrease.

But no pen was ever left empty.

"Excuse me miss, but why is that one empty?" Hitoshi said, pointing to the empty pen.

The orange haired girl looked at where he was pointing and sucked in her breath.

"It's not, but someone of your static would never want someone like that as your blood servant." She said, biting her bottom lip.

"I came to see all of my options." Hitoshi said, looking at the woman.

The orange haired woman sucked in her breath and walked over to the pen.

"Boy, come out someone want to look at you." The woman said, there was no harshness in here voice, as if she was trying to coax out a little kitten.

A blond boy with a dark streak of black crawled out from a big shadow in his pen, he was so thin that you could see his ribs through his shirt, he looked like a skeleton with flesh.

The boy kept his eyes down, Meaning Hitoshi couldn't see what color his eyes where.

"As you can see he's almost out of life as it is, he would be dead in a couple of weeks if he got his blood sucked. Now come along, we have a new girl that looks really plump." The woman said, turning on her heel to walk away from the pen.

Hitoshi stayed put.

The boy looked about twenty one.

"I want him." Hitoshi said, making the blond boy shudder with fear, though he never did make a sound.

The orange haired woman stopped dead in her tracks and looked at him.
"Sir he will be dead in almost a week, are you sure?" She said, looking at him.

Hitoshi didn't take his eyes off of the blond boy who was shaking slightly.

"I know, and I don't care." Hitoshi said, stilling looking at the blond boy. "Can he speak?"

The orange haired woman looked like she had never heard of someone asking that, she soon let a small smile drift onto her face although.

"Yes, he spoke when he got here when we told him too, he hasn't said a word since though." She said, biting her lip.

"What's your name, blond one?" Hitoshi asked, feeling a great symphony to the boy.

The boy finally looked up from his lap, revealing honey suckle colors eyes that made Hitoshi melt.

"D-Denki" The boy stuttered, his voice was dry, as if he was trying not to sob right then and now.


It was a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. Hitoshi thought.

Hitoshi stood up. "We'll then Denki, I'm Shinsou and I'll be your new master." The purple haired boy said.

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