Chapter 1

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I felt to a rock.
It was a beautiful morning.
My wings where... Not the best looking... There black and  blue,not even a pretty blue...
My body was a light gray and my fur around my body was white.
I was the most hated.
I don't have a single friend, not even my mother looks at me.
There all so... Beautiful, with there silver fur around them, light blue body's, and all with the same wing color, light blue and gold.
My father and I where cursed... He's been dead for a year now.
I looked over to see a spider. He was so beautiful... Wait! No no no! I flew out of there.
I walked to my house. My mother was busy with her new husband.
She will never miss m dad.

I wanted too my room.
There I found a love letter. From: Cross! My heart melted.
He was my dream man.
I flew out.
I met him by the place he said.


Hours went by...

I began too lose hope....

Still hours more, it was starting to get dark...
Then I seen him. My heart exploded.
He flew down too me.
" Hey... Look I need a favor." Cross said. I looked down and nod.
" Can you just get out of here?" Cross asked. I knew crying was pointless.
I just nod.
" And also, I will never love someone like you." Cross said, laughing. After he was done, he flew away.
Tears fell.
I remember all the times we where little.

Flash back

" I'm going to marry you one day!" Cross said too me.
I blushed.
" R-really?" I asked him. " Heck yeah!" Cross cheered.

End of flash back

I sat by the river.
I was done with life...
Then I seen him. The spider from before.
He seemed to take interest in me.
I looked over to him and no fear was shown. He came closer.
" You ok?" He asked. I looked up, and he was right in front of me. " No..." Then he pulled me into a hug.

I hugged back.

" Hey, we can be friends." Error said.
" Sure!" I said.
" Then met me at this spot tomorrow." Error said. I nod.

Finally a real friend!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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