𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑂𝑛𝑔 𝑂𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑒

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Jisung wasnt an overly kind or generous man, but he also wasnt heartless.....hence why he couldn't just leave , seeing the beautiful majestic creature in pain.

A gaint crane , almost blending in with the snow if not for its ink black legs beak.....withering in agony and calling out with pain for its life...with one of his leg stuck in a bear trap, painting the snow beneath it in a hue of red...no he wasnt heartless ....

So he softly approached the bird , who wouldn't stop flapping it's wings in a desparate attempt to protect itself against Jisung's advances.....seeing it's distress Jisung raised both his arms to convey Surrender and sat by the birds side silently till it stopped flapping it

Jisung raised one his hands as slowly as he could to not frighten the already dread stricken crane , and started softly petting it's snow white body, The crane suprisingly let him , his cries of pain turing into crones of sorrow .... it soon slumped it's body into the snow, seeming giving up, and at that moment, without wasting a second , jisung caught hold of the bare trap and flipped it open,

The Crane gave out a loud screech that shuddered the frozen dead leaves , flapping his wings again , this time to get away from the pain, only to stop and realise , that it had been freed

Jisung once again reached out to pet it, "you are free now , fly away " .

The Crane slowly stood up on his legs , falling once cause of the hurt leg, Jisung instinctively reached out his hand to hold it, before he realised he can't hold a bird and give it balance.....

The Crane stood there looking at Jisung , and jisung ended up smiling brightly at it, feeling quite satisfied at being able to help it .....and the Crane slowly took flight and flew away, And Jisung can say that's one of the most beautiful things he saw .....


Being a measly Farmer far away from the village meant that Jisung didn't earn much..... But enough to have a roof above his head , a hearth of fire and warm food

He had just enough, and he never asked for more , but he did have a hope.......

Today , outside was raining , the air being deadly cold....jisung kept himself close to the buring Hearth , where his food was boiling , when a knock at the door rang out...

Jisung never had any visitors.... Never at the dead of the night, and being terrified of it might being that of a robber....Jisung grabbed a knife and went to the bamboo door ...."Who is it!" He called out fearing of what might the answer be , till he heard a soft and urgent voice "Please help me , open the door!"

Jisung complied and beyond it was a boy , probably a couple years younger than him , dressed all in white and his body shivering as he leaned his weight on the bamboo door sill.... That's when jisung looked down to see that one of the boys ankle was bleeding ,

"Oh my god what happened"

"Please help!"


Jisung was no healer, but he did his best on bandaging up the boys ankle , in the medicines he kept.....

The boy currently was huddling into the blanket Jisung had given him , his nimble cold figures nursing the soup jisung's had served in a bowl with hopes of warming the boy up.....

The boys huge eyes , stole glances at Jisung, as he put away the medicine ....

Jisung soon sat across from the boy, who bit his lips ,

"How did you get that?" The boy looked at his ankle before speaking up in a horse voice....."A bear trap"...

Jisung flinched at it.....he remembered how much in pain the Crane had been that morning

𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑂𝑛𝑔 𝑂𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑒 (Love-Nine)Where stories live. Discover now