Every Chapter of your Heart

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Every chapter of your Heart is the dream that makes the story of you. Even in the moonlight I think of you and I begin to think to myself that is where I fell in love with the memory of you. It was never like anything that I ever wished even from the first moment in my dream where we kissed and shared the future like it was a story but in reality it was a chapter of a love story from the heart that loved you so dearly, she was willing to give up her last rose petal to her moon just so she could prove just how much she loved you. If a flower gave up a petal and from being a rose, that must mean she was willing to give up her thorns in order to love him with all of her heart. It was an hour before the lights went out and everything felt dark but then you showed up out of the blue and called yourself the rose petals BlueMoon. With all the love that was carried in your heart felt just like magic an hour before the time was behind the hourglass.

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