Crush Confession ~ Ch. 1

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No one's POV:

"Why would you drive a wedge between me and Hope? Why lie?"

"I was gonna ask the same thing." Hope says appearing in the twins bedroom's door frame.

Josie looks at Hope with a look of heartbreak but then quickly goes to look in Lizzie's direction. "I didn't just lie." she said then looked at Hope, "I started the fire."

"Lizzie had made some remark about me being obsessed with you. I just blurted out, 'How could I be obsessed with somebody who would say such mean things about my twin?'"

Hope cuts Josie off, "but I didn't."

"I know. I just made it up." Josie states with sympathy.

"Why?" Hope quickly asks.

"Because I didn't want Lizzie to know the truth. I had a crush on you. And I had slipped a note into your room that morning and, I don't know, I just really immediately regretted it but I couldn't get in by then. So I did a fire spell under your door. I was really only aiming for the note."

Josie says the last sentence with as much remorse as she can due to the fact that the fire caused the only painting that Hope ever did with her now deceased father, the great Klaus Mikaelson, to be destroyed, along with half of her belongings.

"Why would it matter that I knew?" Lizzie instantly asks, to which Josie instantly responds, "Because my whole life, any time I've ever liked anyone, you go for them. And you always win."

Hope then chuckles quietly in response with her mind still glued on one thing. "You had a crush on me?"

"Of course I did. Who wouldn't?" Josie says looking at Hope in kind disbelief. Hope slowly goes to show a softs smile which Josie soon returns.

"I hate to break this little 'moment' up but I need to talk to my sister." Lizzie says not understanding why Josie would do such a thing and still totally and utterly pissed off with her twin. But then again Lizzie Saltzman has every right to be hurt.

Hope looks into Lizzie's eyes, pleading for her to leave. She instantly understood and spoke. "Uh, yeah I should probably go anyway. Goodnight I guess." As she started to walk away she looked back at the brunette, still in disbelief. She only had one thought in her mind. How could someone as pure and sweet as Josette Saltzman could like someone like her?

Lizzie's POV:

I can't believe she did all of this! I've always been cautious of people but I just didn't think that I would have to be cautious of my own blood. Out of pure anger, I siphoned some magic from the floorboards of the school to slammed the door shut while trying to get my thoughts together and compose myself.

"I get it okay, but I mean really Jo! The one person who actually tried to be my friend, I treated like shit and it wasn't even my fault! I always thought that I could trust you but it sucks to see that I've been proven wrong. I can't be around you Jo because I honestly can't stop thinking, what if this isn't just one lie? What if it's one little lie in a sea of a million. God I feel so fucking stupid!"

Josie is looking at me with tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry!"

"You're sorry? You should have thought about what you were doing because you hurt people in the process. I would love to have a more calm conversation one day so we can work this out but until then I'm staying somewhere else. I love you Jo. Don't think that I don't because of this but I need time to think and some space so I can hold on to what little sanity I have left from my own issues." I spoke in a tone of hurt.

"Lizzie you can't just leave, where are you gonna go?" Josie said, looking at me worried.

Without speaking I pulled my suitcase out from under my bed and started to pull a few outfits and pajamas together. "Well Jo, I have a few ideas."

I walked across the room to Jo's and I's shared vanity and threw my products that I will need into a travel bag. Every step I was taking to grab things around the room, I could feel Josie's sad eyes watching me. I meet her eyes while zipping my suitcase up.

"I still love you and I always will but I just need time." I said, grabbing my suitcase off of the bed and walking to the door. While exiting the door I felt an overbearing wave of sadness and a bit of guilt and heard her sad voice behind me.

"I love you too Lizzie, and I'm sorry."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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