Jealous Im Guessing

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Yess a new story omg I know but listen I really wanted to make a tobecky story soo yeah enjoy!! BTW voilet and scoops know that Becky is Wordgirl cause like yeah

Tobey was getting ready to go to school. Picking up all his notebooks as quickly as he can since he was already late. "Tobey what's taking you so long?!" Tobey's mom called up to him from downstairs. "Almost done mother." Tobey answered. He quickly shoved his last notebook in his backpack and ran downstairs almost tripping in the process. "Finally now hurry we don't want to be more late." His mother said grabbing her car keys and heading outside. Tobey quickly followed. They got into the car and drove off.



Becky was putting some items into her locker when Violet cam up to her. "Hi Becky" Voilet said in a cheerful tone holding some notebooks. "Hey Voilet" Becky said closing her locker . "How are you doing?" Becky said with a sigh giving her full attention to Voilet. " Oh I'm great. How about you Becky? That villian attack yesterday seemed like it hurt." Voilet said a hint to worry in her voice. Becky looked at Voilet she was right the butchers attack did hurt more this time than the others but she didn't want to make Voilet worry besides she was a superhero she can handle herself. " Oh haha no no it didn't hurt the butcher is worthy villian of course but he is one of the easiest to beat" Becky said as she started to turn to walk to class. "You shouldn't worry Voilet you know I can handle it." Becky said giving Voilet a quick smile before heading to her first class. Voilet couldn't just stop worrying though especially since Becky has been limping since yesterday.

A while later.

Tobey had finally got to school. He pushed the front doors open when realizing that class had already started he quickly walked to his class. When he opened the door to his class everyone looked at him. "Hello Tobey glad you could join us." His teacher said as she got a paper out. "Here we are working on this for right now after you finish you have free time." He took the paper and went to sit in his desk. Tobey being the evil boy genius he is, finished after about 2 minutes. He put his pencil down and leaned back a bit. He had a bored look on his face. Becky also had finished and was bored. Only Becky and Tobey had finished within the first few minutes causing them to have 2 choices either don't talk to each other and be bored waiting for other's to finish or talk to each other. Becky let out a sigh and against her gut feeling she decided to turn and look at him. " So Tobey how do you think you did?" Becky asked smiling. Tobey looked at Becky clearly not in the mood to talk. "Well for an evil boy genius like me I think I did pretty good." Tobey said with a smile. Becky decided to keep the conversation going even though she was already annoyed with Tobey. "Well I think pretty well too" Becky said with a smile. Tobey gave a quick smile. It was very quick so no one could notice.

Tobey had a crush. Yes of course people knew that he had a crush on Wordgirl right? Well yes of course he does but he might of developed a new one without realizing it. So here he was talking with Becky. That was until another kid finish the assignment and started talking to Becky. Tobey looked at Becky and then the other boy talking. He was annoyed and started glaring at the boy. "Haha no yeah and the... um Tobey?" The boy said looking nervous. Becky turned around and saw Tobey having a serious look on his face. "Tobey what are you doing?" Becky asked. Tobey broke his stare to look at Becky. "Nothing just... checking something." Tobey said turning back to his paper. Becky turned back to the boy, he was also confused.

When the bell finally rang Becky got up and headed outside. The encounter she had with Tobey was weird but she brushed it off. Tobey on the other hand was going crazy about it.

He was confused on way he was randomly mad. He had no reason to be mad at the boy the only thing he was doing was talking to Becky. Tobey sighed and got up from his desk. He walked out of the classroom and went to the library. He walked in and sat at a empty table. He but his bag down and walked to the fiction section picking out a book about robots. When he went back to his table he saw Becky and her friends.

His expression changed immediately to one of annoyance. He grabbed his bag about to check out the book when he heard a all to familiar voice.

"Psst School boy." Someone hiding behind a shelf of books said. Tobey looked at the shelf with a deadpan look.

"Dr two brains what a pleasant surprise." Tobey said with a annoyed tone.

"Listen I want to keep this short so I don't get caught by security." Dr two brains said walking out from behind the shelf.

"I decided to change the plan. Now I know how much you like to keep things organized and stuff so I just changed the way we're gonna get the cheese and the robot parts to my secret hideout." Dr two brains said looking around trying to not get caught. Tobey didn't want to deal with him at this point of time so he decided not to complain.

"Uh huh ok whatever." Tobey said turning to check out his book. To say the least Dr two brains was a bit surprised. Yesterday Tobey was going crazy about how his plan didn't work blah blah. Two brains didn't really pay attention. Dr two brains stared at Tobey.

"Well then uh ok the time is still the same by the way." Dr two brains said before awkwardly waving goodbye and walking away.

Tobey sighed and walked away to finally check out the book he was holding.He checked out the book and walked outside. He took a deep breath. He was starting to regret the things he had done and said today. Tobey was pulled out of his thoughts by the bell. Later today is going to be interesting to say the least.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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