Prologue [fixed/entire]

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James Bank is a sneaky fox (not an actual fox-) but he's the intelligent underweight kid who can sprint for merely five minutes. But still, he never gets caught, that is...... Until he meets Blake Clark, the most athletic kid in the academy, he is sizzling hot and gets all the girls but is super noisy and gets them witnessed... Then gets detention with him like the moron he is... But while in detention something occurs...

"Hey Ummm...


WELL... Jans do you want to play truth or dare?"

"It's James... And...What?

"...It's a game where you can offer dares to each other!"

"Oh. Sure I'll play. What's my first dare?"

Blake chuckles, "Your pants, take them off.



What happens when two absolute opposites cross each other? What happens when they place a commitment within the dares? What happens when they start to develop feelings for each other? 

rEaD tO fInD oUt~

(Affirmative~ I used Grammarly shut. up)

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