Eye Remember

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October 27th 1983
Midnight, Minneapolis - Minnesota
Levi's POV

"You thinking about her huh?" I reminisced while sipping from the booze bottle I prayed would be my last. Alcohol addiction runs through my family blood, from uncles to my father. When I drunk I couldn't stop for a while, that was what I was afraid of.

How could I be a burden to whom I thought was the love of my life? You pig, I never loved you, I'm leaving you, fuck you all her words hit in head.

I only ever wanted to care for someone like Sarah. She had this way about her any guy could fall in love with, her body and her mind were like two peas in a pod. But it was her catty attitude that drove men away, she was always looking for a fight. We broke up three times and took a few breaks in between, she was a hand full. I guess that's why I loved her, she was a lot to handle, like a challenge.

I wasn't scared of a challenge. And the sex was killer, her cries were power. My eyes wondered the streets of autumn full Minneapolis, Halloween was right around the corner, which made me think of her more.

Her favorite thing to do was get matching costumes and party all night. "Dude get over her she's not worth your time" I took another hit of my beverage. People made zoomed by but one that caught my eyes was a fairly young lady sitting on a bench, all by herself. She looked lost or better yet extremely sad, she wore a tank top and sweats.

A crop top in this kinda weather? A group of ladies walked past her, hands full of shopping bags they mocked her. "It's like 40 degrees out cover up" I examined carefully. Each evil laugh only made my blood boil, why couldn't they leave this poor woman alone?

One short blonde lady tossed her drink in the trash the bench was near. A few splatters hit the girls body, "Slut" they shammed her. I could see her body language, she was afraid and embarrassed.

Cold as well. Slipping off my coat I walked towards that side of the streets direction "Yo Levi where ya going?" My buddy Richard shouted as I got farther away from his voice and closer to the ladies space. "Uh here ya go" I politely handed my jacket to her, she tried to avoid eye contact.

"I'm not gonna hurt you" Reassuring her. Her fragile arms shook while reaching for the coat "Thanks" she placed the fabric over her body. I felt bad she looked towards the busy street, "What are you doing out here all alone?" Her lips pursed as if she was about to cry. She held it in "I was kicked out by my bitch ass mother" I could heard the cracks in her voice.

She spoke very quietly and slow. "I'm sorry to hear that........Is there anything I can do?" Her arms crossed over her body, she scooted away from me "No I'm fine" that was a lie. I couldn't see her face fully only the side but even that was covered by her coiled hair "You got any family?-" I was cut off by her shouting.

"NO I SAID IM FINE LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE" her sentence sent me to quit. Sounds of weeping came from her, her head stood down wards.

"Okay then... sorry to bother" I apologized, but she soon got comfortable in my jacket. I figured she could stay with it, I made my final goodbye before walking back to Richard "Who's that?" He sipped from his beer.

It was new to see her around her. I mean me and Richard knew the streets over Minneapolis like the back of our hands, every deli place every street worker. And although we didn't sleep with any of them they knew who we were but I had no idea who she was, "I don't know" I swigged my drink.
"Your the guy who I told to go the hell away?" Gianas face stood shocked. Since we had no rehearsals today we took the time to talk for awhile, over Pizza and a movie. "Jesus that's was so long ago" Cheese strung from the dough and tomato concoction.

Sipping her water she turned to me "Damn girl you look like you seen Jesus" I joked making her laugh loudly. Since she's been living with me we never ate and enjoyed a conversation, except the time she cooked but that doesn't count because we barely talked the whole dinner.

"I felt I seen your face before" I enjoyed having her stay with me. My home often gets lonely when it's just me, and now that she's been with me for a month and half she's really helped out a lot. She cleans every morning the kitchen, dishes, counters and the laundry. It was like a breath of fresh air, "How'd you know it was me like the exact person?" I turned over towards the dining room chair.

"Hey were you going?" Her shoved pizza into her mouth. I took the coat that hanged off the wooden chair and laid it on the couch "Because of this" her eyes grew largely while biting at her pizza.

"Oh my god I remember now, holy shit" she had forgot who gave her this jacket but she sure wore it every where. When I seen her years later in that dirty old man's car she was wearing it. I tried to not get any grease on her coat "Yep I gave it to you and that time we met again you were wearing it" a look of nostalgia appeared on her face.

Not a good look though. She slumped back on her seat of the couch, reaching for a chicken wing "That was the start of it all" I put the jacket back on the chair. Did I make her remember something she didn't want too?

"I'm sorry" she viewed me, her eyes deepened when she threw her head down. Quickly popping it back up "I call dibs" she stole the last piece of pizza. She always had away of making a deep situation funny.

A knock appeared at the door.

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