Chapter 1 Whim of fate

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           I sat in my cubicle staring off into the distance. I was lucky enough to have this spot. I told myself  I've told myself many things working this dead end job  I watched as the sun slowly began to set Japan the house of the rising sun I really never knew what that meant, I was told stories that the beauty of japan was unlike anything anyone had ever seen a pinnacle of natural beauty and a rich culture

       Now it's reduced to some shell of its former self. The air was humid and the beautiful tree's withered day by day but my rant was interrupted by my alarm signaling that  work was over I looked back at my desk and began to log out as I did one of my coworkers walked over "Thomas how are you settling in?" he questioned and I looked up at him he leaned on my cubicle wall he had a smug aura about him like always.

      Apart of me disliked him, him and his shitty pompadour "I'm settling in pretty well"  I spoke with a calm demeanor "That's good to hear..Y'know Thomas there's been a lot disappearances around work recently" he said as I began packing up looking at him his expression was almost lifeless "You should be more careful I care for my coworkers" he continued I was very put off by this  uncomfortable even "Thanks I said standing up looking at him his larger body size complimented his smugness as if it was meant for him.

      "Well thanks Hugo well I gotta get home before it gets too late  see you around man" I said with my bag walking to the elevator I had only been on my floor this place was eerily weird the people was the strangest thing and the way they functioned was like nothing I had ever seen but it puts food on the table and a roof over my head  I pressed the  button to the bottom floor as the door closed hugo was looking at me.

            I sighed and looked around in the claustrophobic elevator i've gotten used to this disgusting  decrepit place this whole building itself didn't make any sense how could one of the only business still doing good for itself look like a heaping pile of shit I've heard rumors from Hugo that the floors look better on each floor starting from the first to fiftieth

     The elevator opened  and before were two gentleman one wearing a tan suit and the other a winter jacket with blue and black patterns  "excuse me sir"  I spoke instinctively  keeping my head down "pardon us" the one in the suit spoke confidently and assuringly I felt intimidated by those two I never see anyone leaving work or entering work and most if not all the other co workers are drones

  I quickly rushed Home I had actually felt my heart beat so madly but why it was something so insignificant I took my mind off of it with  my Television I barely listened but the background noise is what I appreciated  I prepared a Tv dinner and when finished I sat down in my Den chair and salisbury  steak with peas and corn is all I needed for a healthy meal I told myself grabbing the remote off the table the news was spouting more depressing stuff than usual something about a stabbing and how tensions rise with the our greatest  threat to democracy I could care less honestly why  would a  bee of Oshida's  give a damn about anything.

         I work that mindless nine to five my life had never felt so meaningless I reclined back and immediately lost my appetite and felt a deep pain in my chest I had began to sit there off in a daze when I had gotten a call reaching down in my pocket it was from a school friend  Attila I answered putting the phone speaker  "Hey Thomas" he spoke with worry I could tell "what's going on man" I replied slouching over  deeper into the chair  "are you busy, actually don't answer that I need you to come to a party with me I'll pick you up and everything I just can't go alone. He finished with a sigh  

          I felt like I had to go. It sounded like it meant a lot to him and it wasn't as if I was doing anything so I agreed "what's the attire?" I questioned quickly standing up "formal and I hope you've packed a stomach there pulling out bottles no doubt" he said and I gave a chuckle  as I turned off the tv the crashing of the rain became clearer to me I didn't know it was raining.

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