To the love of my Life

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To the love of my life.

I can't see a world without you in it. I know you do not feel the same but I don't know how to continue without them in my life. I love them with everything in me. Gods any Gods that can hear me please help me get back the love that I lost. I don't want to lose them. They mean to much to me. I am a broken soul calling out for advise on what to do. these last three days have been so hard for me they have the hardest in my life because I feel like I lost my other half. It hurts to much to continue. I am fine with them wanting to be with other people as well but I want to be there to support them threw everything in their life. And to be able to hold them in my arms and love them to the end of time and beyond. Gods hear me now please give me guidance and wisdom to continue so I may be there for them. If you read this my love please help me fix this broken soul. There is nothing in this world I wont do for you. You are my world. You are my light in the darkness. Please Gods help me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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