Splashes and Paddles

32 2 6

Story Created: 2/28/22

1:07 P.M. – Hawaii (Oahu's North Shore)

It was another great Hawaii vacation that the seven spies were enjoying courtesy of Jerry.

"We need to come here a lot more often," Alex replied as she looked off in the distance.

Sam and Nick were looking off in the distance, too.

"Totally," Sam replied.

"I concur on that," Nick responded.

She sported her red and white tie-on bikini... feeling that a bikini was best appropriate for her on this particular beach day.

"I know we've had our share of Hawaii vacays," Nick added as Alex, Clover, Blaine, and Britney came back themselves with shaved ice. "This certainly ranks up there."

"O-M-G, girls!" Clover exclaimed.

She had on a pink string bikini; Alex had on her green bikini as well; Britney had a blue bikini on, while all the guys had their board shorts on.

"Totally," Alex added. "They're teaching how to stand-up paddleboard."

"That's pretty fun," Mat replied, knowing he was used to seeing stuff like that.

"You tried it before?" Britney asked Mat.

"Actually, no," Mat answered. "But I admit it'd be fun; stand-up paddleboarding is pretty fun as long as nobody loses lunch."

"True," Nick replied. "If you can't handle a boat, don't try a paddleboard."

"Sounds kinda normal," Alex commented.

"And Hawaii does have luck on its side with no power out for days in many years, too," Mat added.

"That's lucky indeed," Britney replied.

"So, anybody up for trying something new?" Nick asked with a single clap of his hands.

"Might as well," Blaine answered.

"We gotta learn how to, though," Mat pointed out.

Nobody objected and got to find someone to learn how.

After all that, all the spies got to try for the first time in a nearby stream for a first lesson.

"From what I can tell, paddleboarding's kinda like surfing, except you just move with your hands and it's not as fast," Nick quipped.

"That's about the basics, I think," Mat responded.

"Let's hope it's not as tricky as surfing was, because I still remember all of the fails I went through before I learned how to do that," Nick proclaimed.

"Same here, Nick," Britney laughed. "That was a learning experience."

"Do you think it was as tough as learning how to swim?" Alex asked her boyfriend. "Because from what Haruka's told us, you used to be really bad at it."

"That's about right, Alex," Nick sighed. "I think the biggest hurdle of learning how to swim was actually learning how to float. That was the part I was worried the most about, to be honest."

"Usually, that's the part you've gotta learn before you learn other things about swimming," Sam replied.

"I still don't know why my old swim coach was so bad at swim coaching," Nick groaned. "Seriously, it boggles my mind to this very day."

"Thank goodness Haruka was able to help you, huh?" Clover chuckled.

"No kidding," Nick replied. "Now If only she would stop teasing me every time she sees me near a pool..."

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