Thor of Themyscira Volume 1 Issue 1

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A long, long time ago the celestials gave the Asgardians a place to call home this place had a name to the human world that name being Themyscira. The Asgardians who lived there had such vast knowledge and magically power that the humans regarded to them as "gods" even though they were no such thing. Themyscira however also had a magical ability no human knew about that ability being it could connect to other planets just by going through a mystical portal called the boomfrost. The king of Themyscira named Odin loved going through these plants however the kings of these planets did not leading to a war between them that almost reached the human world they eventually reached a peace treaty and on the way out Odin found an abandoned baby frost giant that he renamed Loki and adopted. Odin also had a biological son named Thor the difference he noticed between his 2 sons was that Thor was very powerful and loved war and was also drawn to lightning while Loki was very mischievous and loved starting drama. One day both Thor and Loki were all grown up and it was time for Thor to receive the crown of Asgard or as the humans called it Themyscira.

(Note: For whatever reason they don't have fan art of a male amalgamated Thor and Wonder Woman, so if you would like to see that here you'll have to draw it and message me)

On the day his son was to be crowned king some rogue frost giants came in and attempted to steal the eternal winter a treasure items Odin had kept safe. Luckily the destroyer quickly took care of those frost giants, however Thor took this as a sign that Laufey wanted to restart war and so went to the frost giants. He began to fight them while fighting them Loki was touched by one of them but instead of being frozen on impact his skin just turned frost giant blue. Loki knocked the frost giant out but was confused by this, however right as it seemed that Thor and company were going to die Odin saved them and apologized for Thor's foolish decisions. When they got home Thor and Odin got into an argument which ended in Thor being send to New Mexico a country near America. There Thor met a scientist known as Jane Trevor along with her 2 friends Charlie Lewis and Doctor Sameer Selvig who were studying aliens. Upon meeting them they felt as though Thor was crazy with the way he was talking to him and he was sent to the hospital after Charlie used a taser on him. When he got out of the hospital however they interviewed him and he told them all he knew Sameer felt as though Thor was crazy as he didn't believed that Thor or any of the "gods" existed. Thor however assured them that they did, Thor also told them that if they could get him back to his sword which Odin had thrown on Mexico when banishing him he would also help them with all they needed. Which happened when S.H.A.R.G.U.S took all their stuff upon discovering that they were right and didn't want it to get out into the public. Despite all of Sameer's objections they went to help Thor but even after Thor got past all the guards and got to his sword he couldn't grab it as he was no longer deemed worthy of it. Meanwhile on Asgarad/Themyscira Loki confronted Thor about him being a frost giant and Odin admitted to it before fainting and going to sleep. Loki then began to conquer Asgard starting by freezing Heimdall and then he paid a visit to Thor and lied to him telling him Odin was dead. Eventually Thor's friends the Wonderers 3 visited him but when they did Loki had found out about their plan and sent he Destroying Knight after them in which Loki attempted to kill Thor after he sacrificed himself for the people of Earth however this gave Odin what he needed to give Thor his sword back and it was a battle between brothers. Thor ended up winning in the end and Loki saddened left the island to live on America then Sameer Selvig was trusted with an ancient artifact now that him and his team were working for S.H.A.R.G.U.S. Unbeknownst to Sameer he was being controlled by Loki.

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