Chapter One

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Demi goes to Wilmer to say hi.But then something happens there was a guy throwing a drink over her.Wilmer stands up and goes to Demi and that guy and punched him in the face.He goes to take a towel for Demi.There looking each other in the eye.Demi was melting for him.Wilmer says 'Hi'.Demi says hi back.Demi ask his phone number for to have connection.Wilmer says of course.He gave his number.They say goodbye.

The next day.
They are waking up and do morning stuff.Demi is taking a long shower because there was still some juice from yesterday.Wilmer is sitting a little bit because he's thinking of Demi,he's in thoughts saying "Demi is a very hot girl she don't care what people says about her that's a very strong woman".Demi is done with her shower then she's thinking about Wilmer "He's a very handsome man he is friendly he helps other people like me yesterday that was the nicest thing that somebody did to me and he protects people to that I LOVE in a man!" They are eating breakfast then Wilmer starts texting with Demi.
There are texting for hours and hours then Wilmer asks to Demi"Demi do you wanna go on a date with me?"

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