the same as the normal title

12 1 0

1: what am I wearing.

White shorts and a gray sleeveless shirt.

2: have I ever been in love.


3: have I ever been heartbroken

Yes. ( I'm going to be very blunt with my answers)

4: what is my height.

5 foot, 6 1/4 inches

5: how much do I wiegh.

Around 130 lbs

6: do I have any tattoos

I do not

7: do I have any piercings.


8: favorite TV show.

Probably south park

9: something I miss.

Not my virginity because I still have it.

10: my favorite song.

DEEZ NUTZ........but probably animals by nickel back

11: zodiac sign.


12: qualities I look for in a partner.

Can't be an asshole and must be caring.

13: favorite color.

Black, red, or orange

14: how long are my showers.

Depends on how tired I am.

15: have I ever been in a physical fight.

Gee, I don't know, let me just consult my scars on the back of my head. ( that means yes)

16: fears.

Big spiders and crazy people.

17: last time I cried.

When my GF was upset.

18: last time I loved some one.

Still loving them now.

19: last TV show i watched

I honestly don't know.

20: relation ship with last person I texted.

My GF, very much in love with her.

21: last person I kissed. mom.........

22: what instruments do I play.

None, I'm not a band nerd.

23: what sports do I play.

Long distance track bby.

24: something I love doing but I'm bad at.


25: what am I allergic to.

Tree sperm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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