Stuck in the Elevator

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Amy Pov

“I’m just gonna go to the pool” I said to my friends as they were getting ready to leave.

“Okay, suit yourself!” they replied and left.  I laugh at that because im about to out my swim suit on haha!  Yeah, I like corny jokes…even though that wasn’t supposed to be funny.

I put my bikini on, just in case there are any cute guys there, and put a shirt and athletic shorts over it.  I grabbed a towel and headed down to the pool area.  I find a chair and place my towel on it and take my shirt and shorts off.  Unfortunately there’s no cute guys here, just some kids with their parents.  Luckily, the pool area is pretty empty.  I swim a few a laps and then the kids ask if I want to play with them.  They’re all so adorable so I can’t so no!  We play colors and marco polo.  After a while they leave and I am left all alone in the pool.  I decide to get out and dry off because I’m getting kinda hungry.  Hopefully, my friends will be back soon and we can grab a bite to eat.  If they’re gonna be a lot longer, I may not wait!  I check my phone to find that they’ll be back in a few hours.  I cannot wait that long to eat!  I’ll get a snack in the lobby and head up to the room I guess.  I dry off a little more, and put my shorts and shirt back on.  After putting my flip flops on, I walk out to the lobby.  I go into the little shop and buy a big bag of Fritos, charging it to the room’s account.  After swiping my room card, I head to the elevator.  I cannot wait to get up there so I can eat!  I see a blonde boy waiting by the elevators.  I stand next to him, and the elevator doors open up.  I walk in and he follows behind me.  He pushes the button for level 3.  That’s the same level as me!

“Which floor?” he asks with a strong Irish accent.

“three haha…looks like we’re on the same floor”

“Oh haha” he replies awkwardly.   I can tell already this is going to be a long awkward elevator ride.  The boy looks to be about my age.  He’s actually quite attractive.  He has blonde hair with brown roots…he must dye it, but I think it looks good this way, beautiful blue eyes, and he is wearing a blue t-shirt and tan shorts, with sneakers.  Not to mention, he has an adorable irish accent.  I realize I am staring at him, and he realizes too because he says, “may I help you?”  He has a smirk on his face that makes me smile and I am about to reply when the elevator stops.  The lights go out, but it is light enough to see each other.

“What the hell just happened?!” the cute Irish boy yells

“I think the elevator stopped!” I say, and now I realize how stupid that sounds.  “I mean obviously, but it must have broke down or something” I recover myself

“haha nice save” he says and winks at me.  My heart flutters.  Wait…I barely know this guy, actually I don’t know this guy…why do I feel happy inside…weird.  I’ll just make a joke.

“Umm…I think it stopped because we exceeded the weight limit.  You’re really fat…” I say and laugh.  The boy laughs and replies, “I know ive been meaing to go on a diet, but I cant help it! I love food too much”

“Its ok I love food too…well actually im really picky, but when I like a food I eat a ton of it!  Speaking of food, im hungry and we might be in here a while so im gonna eat these” I say and pull out my bag of Fritos.

“we can share…I guess” I say the last part quietly so he doesn’t hear me.

“good because I’m hungry and I loveeeeee Fritos!”

“Haha ok…by the way my name is Amy”

“I’m Niall, nice to meet you” he says and then reaches in the bag for a chip.  Hmmmm I don’t really feel like standing…oh I know! I can sit on my towel on the floor!  I set my bag on the floor and take the towel out, handing Niall the bag to hold.  I lay the blanket out and then take the chips back.

“Wanna sit?  The towel is a little wet, but its better than sitting directly on the floor”

He chuckles and sits down next to me.

“So ya have a boyfriend?” Niall inquires…why does he want to know.

“Nope, you?  I mean girlfriend…or boyfriend, I don’t know…"

“haha you’re cute…I’m not gay by the way, but I am single”

“An attractive guy like you is single?”

“Oooohhhh so I’m attractive?”

“I’m cute?” is all I say in response

“Touché…how old are you, Amy?”

“18, you?”

“Really? I mean umm cool uhh 19”

“Yes I know I’m short, but you’re not too tall yourself”

“Yeah I know…so what’re you doing here?” he  asks quickly changing the subject.

“Im on vacation with my friends!”

“Me toooo!!  We should all hang out…but why are you all alone?”

“Right now they’re out shopping…I hate shopping, so I went swimming haha”

“Ohh gotchya”

Niall and I continue to talk about a bunch of things.  We’ve pretty much talked about every topic imaginable…sports, music, friends, food, school…come to find out we listen to the same kind of music, love food, play the same sports, and our friends are similar!  We are a lot alike, it’s kinda scary actually…but I think I like him…it might sound too soon.  Only sitting with him for 45 minutes and I like him a lot!  But I feel a sense of security around Niall.  It feels like I’ve known him my whole life!

“Wanna play would you rather?” Niall suddenly asks.

“Sure! Something to pass the time away”

A/N hi!!! does this sound interesting? would you continue reading this? let me know but anyways umm fan, read, comment, vote!! please! thanks...btw what do you think some of the would you rathers are going to be?! if u have any suggestions just let me know! okkkkkkk byeeeee (:

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