Chapter 1

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You were hanging out in your room listening to the Hamilton soundtrack when the doorbell rang. You skipped downstairs and saw that your mom had already opened the door. "Hey, mom. Who's at the door?" you asked, taking an earbud out of your ear.

"(Y/N), I have to be honest with you. After your father left, and my alcoholism started, I've struggled to keep a job and can't afford to house you anymore." Your face dropped. "Uh... what do you mean?" you asked nervously, fidgeting with the bud in your hand.

Your mother sighed. "I called someone, and they offered to take you in. I... I hope you're not too mad." she said, you were about to object, but she opened the door completely, showing your new adoptee. Rob Paulsen.

A shrill shriek escaped your mouth before you clamped your hands over it. Oh my gosh. There he is. The Rob Paulsen. Voice actor extraordinaire. He was going to be adopting you? This was like all your dreams were coming true at once.

"Hi, (Y/N). I've heard a lot about you." he said in his Yakko Warner voice. You almost fainted. "YOU HAVE?!" you asked, louder than you hoped to. "Yes. Oh, by the way we should get going soon. Our private plane is about to takeoff. And I'd rather not walk 1000 miles to Burbank.

"YES ONE SECOND LET ME GO GRAB MY STUFF WAIT RIGHT HERE." you yelled. You stomped up the stairs and threw a few ninja turtles shirts, a Yakko Warner plush, and Pinky and The Brain funko pops into a suitcase. Then you dragged it downstairs in a hurry. "Bye mom. By the way, I left your cigarette lighters in the fridge. Love you see you never." you said quickly, rushing out the door and slamming it behind you.

You slammed it a little too hard because the entire building collapsed in on itself. Oops.

But this day was too exciting to worry about broken infrastructure. You were heading on a private plane with the one and only Rob Paulsen. On the trip, you asked all sorts of questions, and requested all kinds of cartoon voices from him. He was happy to do so.

After a few hours you made it to Burbank. You exited the plane and took a bus to his house. It was beautiful. "I really get to stay here with you?!" you asked. He smiled and nodded. "Yeah! Here let's get inside." he said, unlocking the door and throwing it open, revealing a amazing interior.

You brought your suitcase in and looked up the stairs. "So uh... where should I put this?" you wondered aloud. Rob brought you upstairs and showed you to one of many bedrooms. "Here, you can stay in here. Make yourself at home." You grinned. "Wow thanks dad."

"What did you just call me?" Rob asked. You took a double take. "Errrrrrrrrr thank you, Mr. Paulsen." you corrected. He left the room as you decorated and spread your belongings out.

You were going to have the coolest life ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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Getting Adopted By Rob PaulsenWhere stories live. Discover now