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"I'll get it" hopping fast on my feet I hurried to the door

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"I'll get it" hopping fast on my feet I hurried to the door. Twisting the handle to reveal my favorite people ever, Andy and Tina. "HEYYY" scooping quickly for a hug and allowing them in.

"Yooo" Andy slapped up Levi. Tina set her bags down. I shut the door and switched the lock, it was already midnight "Mmh Pizza?" Andy plopped down on the sofa. Sadly that had been the last piece I ate, but there was still some hot wings left. Tina threw her heels off, she's been out a lot lately, suspicion grew. Lifting the pizza box open to reveal nothing but crust Andy groaned "Damnit" We laughed.

Andy and Tina caught up today. On recent things and overall life, I couldn't show up because I had to apply for some jobs today, the first was at a mall. Second a babysitter and some others, gotta do a lot to keep me busy. I figured I cant just keep cleaning and sitting waiting for something magical to happen. After realizing Levi was the first person I talked to after being kicked out, god has opened my eyes to take everything in from now on.

"Gia I'm gonna go to bed, my feet hurt and my head is pounding" With doughy eyes I nodded my okay, she seemed a bit off. That's another thing to figure out  some other day.

Since Andy wasn't staying as long as Tina was I made it my job to spend as much time with him before anything. Plus, Tina doesn't have time even though she came for me, which made me feel bad. "Is it me or she's like really off lately" Andy kicked his feet up. Finally someone other than me saw it.

"Hell yeah, she came here for me and we haven't even spent more than an hour together" I bite my lip in worry.

Levi slipped in the bathroom, me and Andy sat and talked. "Have you decided what your gonna do yet?" His eyes faced mine. Bringing up the one thing I was hoping he wouldn't, I faked confusion. "What are you talking about?" My lips pursed.

Tilting his head to the side he gave me a stern look "Gia the thing with Prince, are you gonna confess?" Confess, Confess, Confess, there was nothing to confess. My mind couldn't have a break, I keep wondering why everything is happening so fast.

"Oh no, there's nothing to say. We're just friends."

Andy didn't buy it not one bit. He turned to the lowered television, he leaned his head back a bit turning it back in my direction, he placed his hands over his chest "I hope you find your senses my dear cousin" I took that to offense.


Walking along side the glossy river, the cool breeze swept across my face. People say there's nothing better than when you get to heaven, but boy is viewing the sometimes amazing world like heaven on earth.

Especially, when the sun is going down and the birds are getting ready to rest just as us.

"I miss this" Tina and I hadn't been able to spend time together. She's always catching up with someone or making plans without me, I hoped we'd at least spend more time today. "Yeah, same" green grass crunched under our feet as we trailed around the fresh park. For the last 5 years I hadn't felt as alive as right now, with my new place as a model with Levi and the band. Seeking for stable job, laying in a real clean bed, showering in hot water, eating good food and wearing clean clothes. Life has never been better.

Although before all that other shit my life was 'normal' I still hadn't felt this seen by so many people just besides my cousin and brother. Me and Tina found a seat on a swing bench near the park's water fall. The scenery was

"Today's really beautiful, maybe one of the most beautiful days this year" Tina gazed at the orange and red sky. Her eyes started to fill with tears, which caught me by surprise. "Are you okay?" She dropped her head down from the sky. I gently caressed her arm "Hey hey it's okay, what's going on?" I knew something was stressing her out, I just had to wait for the perfect time to let her say.

"Gia, I- I had a miscarriage" she struggled to speak through each sob. My eyebrows furrowed seeing her cry made me wanna cry and hearing this made me teary eyes even more.

"What? what when?" She sniffled, I scooted closer to her, the chair swung a bit from the action "Before I came here" A tear fell from my eyes, I couldn't believe it. She was carrying a child and then lost it, it was horrible. Catching her breath and letting go she held my arm as well. "Before I came here I found out I was pregnant, now I didn't tell anyone because I wanted to make it surprise and when I called to tell you the good news I figured it was the right opportunity to come and tell it to you face to face." Stopping for a second.

"We'll then I woke up one morning and blood was everywhere. I had felt a bit of pain throughout the night but didn't realize it was that extreme, I was in shock and ran quickly to the bathroom. Reggie was at work and the kids were with there aunt, I was by myself and scared. I didn't wanna disappoint you, and me and Levi had this whole thing planned, I just knew I couldn't not show up. That's why I've been the way I've been" It was horrific, the way she was so strong just for me, I wish someone was there with her.

"Oh my god, T I'm so sorry, me and Andy were wondering what made you act this way. Now I know and I just wish I could do something" Her eyes looked to mine.

With deep sorrow I hugged her tightly, rubbing her back gently "No babe no you couldn't be there and the kids and Reggie were busy. No one hurt me and I know god gave that baby girl or boy and better home. He knew whatever it was it wasn't good for them." A light blue bird came flowing by Tina's head.

It sat right above a pillar. It was like it was taking pictures of her cause of how long it was staring in her eyes, with a beautiful tweet of rhythm. I still held her tightly, continuing to comfort the hell out of her hurting soul.

"Every single one of us knows some kind of pain, In the middle of all that still remains, if you love somebody your life won't be in vain and there's a rainbow at the end of every rain" - Prince Rogers Nelson 🕊

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"Every single one of us knows some kind of pain, In the middle of all that still remains, if you love somebody your life won't be in vain and there's a rainbow at the end of every rain" - Prince Rogers Nelson 🕊

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